"I don't hate Donald Trump, I just don't like him" [View all]
Rodney Kennedy, Pastor and Author of several books, including
Good and Evil in the Garden of Democracy
My critics swear I hate Donald Trump. Set the record straight: I do not hate Donald Trump. After writing two books opposing his rhetoric and actions, The Immaculate Mistake and Good and Evil in the Garden of Democracy, and more than 600 articles, I have never felt an ounce of hatred. I simply dont like Trump.
Like Sam of I dont like green eggs and ham fame, I dont like Donald Trump. I cant take him on television, at a live rally, on the radio, in person, in the White House, or outside Trump Tower. I do not like him.
I usually find liking people a cheerful and easy task. After all, I am a trained minister. The church and seminary taught me to be nice. I have expended a lot of energy attempting to like everyone, but I dont like Donald Trump.
My people like Trump. I grew up in Union Parish, where 73.2% of voters cast ballots for Trump. I dont understand why so many of my relatives voted for a bullying, blustering, bragging loudmouth reality television star. I have been fretting over this reality for eight years.
My wife says I should tell somebody. Here lately, worry and anger over this mess takes over a percentage of my sleep right off the top. So, Im telling you, OK?