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In reply to the discussion: Canada PM Trudeau to announce resignation as early as Monday, Globe and Mail reports [View all]cabotnn22
(91 posts)The economy here is not good. I live in the Atlantic region where we pay 15% GST, and we're one of the poorest provinces. Almost 30% of the people in my province do not have a family doctor. I believe the official number is closer to 15-20%, but many people aren't on the wait list. Some people have been on the wait list for three plus years. I've been on the wait list for two years. I pay $30 a month to go to a private clinic. Wait times are terrible. I have a mammogram scheduled for July - it was scheduled around July of last year. In Ontario, where I don't live, there are Jewish neighbourhoods being harassed by protestors. Neighbourhoods - not the consulate, not a business, but actual homes of people. In Ottawa, they protested outside of a home for the elderly solely because they were Jewish. We have a housing shortage. There is a lot wrong with Canada at the moment. As much as it pains me to say it, the economy was better under Harper.
Trudeau is seen as weak. Our Liberal party in NS were decimated at the last provincial election, unfortunately. The PCs now have a large majority. Trudeau resigning will only be helpful to the party - if they replace him with someone not in his circle. My gut feeling is it will be Carney, but we shall see.
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