if they have not already.
Crooks and criminals, like the ones we are going to have to put up with for the next four years, are relentless, THEY ARE NOT INCOMPETENT, they are just evil. They work very hard at being evil, and they continually keep the people in a state of anxiety, that is why they don't care about the horrible things they say and do, its all part of the plan, keep people guessing. We are at a point where nothing surprises us anymore, mission accomplished for republicans. You see, when we get to the point where nothing surprises us, instinctively we start lowering our guard, slowly we become numb, comfortably numb. It is the same blueprint for dictators. Eventually, when people can no longer tolerate it, people will rise and bring the criminals down, the problem, as in Syria, is that many times those who topple the regime are worst. Democrats must do everything in their power to disallow the new regime to accomplish most of the agenda, I know it will be difficult but, it must be done, we cannot become comfortably numb.
A note on this comment "that is why they don't care about the horrible things they say and do"...It is a fact they don't care "IF HISTORY WILL BE KIND TO THEM", does anyone think Benedict Arnold turns over his grave thinking that history is unkind, regardless of if its all true, to him? He is dead, and they will be too when history talks about them, so when people say "history will not be good to him/her" they are missing the point, these people live in the here/now, they don't care about when they are dead, and neither should any of us.
I saw a film the other day, not great but cute (Love at First Sight, its a "feelgood movie" , where the mother is going to die, so she sets up a "Eulogy Party" because she doesn't want people to say things about her when she is dead because she won't be able to hear them. That, to me, was the best part of the movie.