Republicans Against Trump group blasts swing states with billboards in final weekend before election [View all]
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Source: The Independent
8 hours ago
The Super PAC run by former GOP operatives thats been working to convert former Trump voters into supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris is making a final push in key swing states with a massive billboard campaign meant to hammer home the message that its ok for a Republican to vote for a Democrat this time around.
On Friday, Republican Voters Against Trump rolled out a six-figure campaign to cover the sides of main roads in three key swing states with signs featuring ex-Trump voters who are now voting for Harris. The billboards will be placed in swarms in which multiple signs will greet drivers, back-to-back, as they commute over the next few days. They will run in the Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Detroit media markets on November 1 and November 4.
Each of them features the photo of one of the former Republican voters who has appeared in the groups ad campaign, with the message: Im a former Trump voter, Im voting for Harris and Im a former Trump voter, I wont vote for Trump.
A spokesperson for the group said thousands of voters are expected to see the billboards as they drive to the polls over the next few days, and explained that the campaign has been tailored to persuade a critical constituency of voters in the swing states right-leaning independents and registered Republicans who havent yet made up their minds on who to cast a ballot for on Tuesday.
Republican Voters Against Trump is running these billboards in the Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Detroit media markets this weekend (Republican Voters Against Trump)
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