In reply to the discussion: A word about the ongoing Democratic presidential primaries [View all]joshcryer
(62,513 posts)And you know it.
The timeouts were mostly useful to send a message, upping the stakes for those who vote on personality and not content. People get on a jury and don't like someone, they vote to hide just on principle, and then hope that the person gets another hide out of spite.
Your post alone was worse than anything bravenak or sheshe2 has on their transparency page. And they weren't allowed to post until the amnesty was lifted. 10 alerts, 10 hides, on two separate individuals, and your post was worse and was allowed to stand. If that's not partisan I don't know what is.
I think the new jury system will fix the whole partisan hiding certain peoples post thing, since people who vote to hide for personal reasons will be silently removed from the jury pool (I had this idea in the back of my head awhile ago but I didn't want to talk about it since people would've claimed that was creating a preferential jury pool).
Think of it more as a jury selection process where the lawyers and judges dismiss bad jurors. I think it's good.