In reply to the discussion: Post-election DU upgrades and news [View all]Jack Valentino
(1,524 posts)(I am not volunteering, others would be better and more consistent at it).
As an aside, EarlG, I have LOVED your "pictures of the day" when you have issued them, and often have re-posted them to my own social media accounts! I would urge you to continue them--- doesn't have to be daily, that's a lot of pressure, obviously--- but whenever you are inspired to make one on any particular topic! (My personal favorite was after the SOTU, something about Biden eating the speaker's lunch, I think). I hope you will continue to do them periodically, when inspiration strikes--- clearly there will probably be a lot of comedic material generated by the pending administration...
Back to the proposed social media account enlisted administrators-- I would suggest
one or more persons be appointed for each social account--
and that they maintain a separate public email address, a Gmail or whatever
(and that those addresses be published here periodically)
specifically designated ONLY for recommendations from DU members for specific postings to
the social media to which they are assigned. It would be an "idea file" for those social admins
from which they could choose to draw material for postings, edited or not
(with no obligation to re-post any such suggestions, only to review them--- but---
that would allow DU members to contribute ideas for the social postings from this site!)
If I was one of such volunteers (which I am not but I presume there would be many candidates), I would appreciate that input which would help to create several postings per day on whatever social media account--- as I presume you have experienced with your "picture of the day", it can be difficult to come up with ideas every single day, but I think such an arrangement would enable the admins of the social media accounts to make several postings per day to such accounts, without having to come up with them all by themselves--- and consistent and repetitive postings to social medias are key to the reach of any such accounts.
I vehemently advocate that Twitter be included in this, and administrated by someone who is willing to make that fight--- whatever some DUers may think about that arena, we should not surrender it to the far right--- and the DU account there should be re-activated by someone who wants to commit to that fight! (There seem to be plenty of DUers who are committed to remaining there, as the frequency of Twitter embeds will attest)