PSA: DU's Summer Fund Drive is around the corner -- here's some info that may be of use [View all]
A number of people have asked recently about buying Star Memberships for others, and a number of people have also mentioned that their gift memberships are about to expire, so I thought it would be a good idea to provide some information to clear things up.
DU's Summer Fund Drive is currently scheduled to begin on the evening of Sunday, August 18 -- that's next Sunday -- and will run for one week, ending on the evening of Sunday, August 25.
The Summer Fund Drive is the ONLY time during the year that it is possible to gift a Star Membership to another member. During the Summer Fund Drive, anyone who makes a purchase of $35 or more is given the option to gift a Star Membership to another member of their choosing* and also the option to receive a DU bumper sticker.
If you already have a monthly or yearly subscription to DU via an automatic PayPal payment, you can still make an additional one-time contribution during the Fund Drive -- here's how:
1) Visit this page:
2) Click the "Get a Star Membership!" button
3) On the following page, select the "One-time online payment" option
Doing this will NOT affect your current automatic payment or your ongoing subscription in any way.
Just remember that if you want to gift a Star Membership to someone else, you can only do it WHILE THE FUND DRIVE IS RUNNING -- not before or after.
I hope this information helps! Please feel free to pass it on to anyone who you think might find it useful.
* provided the recipient has more than 100 posts, or there are extenuating circumstances if they have fewer than 100.