Activist Headquarters
In reply to the discussion: Armed Left Wing Militias? [View all]busterbibb
(4 posts)Well like many other Progressives....I am begging for Democratic leadership that have a set of jewels that would have no problem getting right into a Rightie Politicians face kind words here...tell them with strong words to go "blank themselves"..!! Truly Pelosi and Reid need to step aside and let others with a "Kick Them Between the Legs" other words..get right back into the idiot Reeeeepublicans faces. There is a perception by many on the right that DEMS are weak...because of Pelosi and Reid. Not saying that these two are..but let's face it....humans are visual and fighters are well received by most. A "Tough Guy" persona would go a long ways toward swaying those walking the fence line between Red and Blue.
Now let me tell you about living in "Red Territory". I live in an area of Colorado where every progressive is considered a traitor/Muslim supporter/lover/gay/on welfare/black/illegal immigrant/anti Christian/tree hug'n environmentalists/non American/hates Apple Pie/blah blah blah blah blah....where for public have one choice on a ballot for whatever office in the local government whether city of county and that choice is only a single other choices period! A place so Red that those that do believe in Pro Choice...pot...staying out of wars...are non religious and know that a religion (Key word here is a religion not someone being religious!) is total B.S. etc etc and "these" wouldn't/don't vote progressive and rip those that do!! I live in an area that supports political rally's on the county courthouse as long as it is in support of the RED AGENDA and allows so-called public prayer meeting at the county courthouse and you know it....even the Republican local officials show up in support even though I know and they know and everyone here knows what a crooked SOB and drunkard and very questionable moral ethics some of these people are!! It's pathetic beyond belief!! An area that scorns social programs and yet depends...and I know these things for a fact...depends on state and federal grants to keep the ball rolling around here. In other words...these are "Takers because we deserve it and it's for us but to hell with social programs for anyone or any-where's else!!
TeaBagger Central here? Oh Baby!! Yeah....the crazy wacko's in Idaho have nothing over so many here. I bend an ear just to ease drop into what these sorts really believe....listen....these have no problem wanting to rid the nation from anything way or another!! These do support all out purging no matter what it takes and I'm not just making this up!! Many here actually do support and want a revolution they put it..."Take this County Back from them Liberals"!!
I wish I was just dreaming these things up....but I'm not...I live in "Bizarro World!! A alternate universe!
Now as for myself...I have a difficult time keeping my mouth shut...and I usually don't....but I do try to use facts in a hit'm from the blind side tactic...I bait them in first and use facts as ammo....but in the end...these people here have this Red Mentality embedded into their memory banks and it ain't a change'n!!
I suggested to my brother...who is "BLUE TO THE CORE"...and I mean BLUE!! (And could tell you a whole helluva lot about the B.S. of the RightWing in government on the federal level) that it is probably time to look into a leftwing militia group/s and for this reason...let's just say it plainly....I despise RightWingers.....but Progressives better get this through their thick heads....Righties hate our guts!! Many a Rigthie truly does want us dead and believe that there needs to be a purging by violence to rid the "they" put it....of "The Cancer"!! And this ideology is widespread throughout "Red Land"!
This is a somewhat long winded reply..but I cannot sit idle anymore and let the Red Machine to continually use a propaganda message that panders to those that want to be pandered to with the B.S. that the GOP/Reeeeeeeepublicans dump out. I'm suggesting that all of the Progressive nation better start screaming our message and knowledge...and scream for Progressive leadership that "WILL" spit right into Orange Man and Turtle Mans eyes then rip off these two idiots heads and "S***" down their necks!! I'm sick of this!! And maybe...just maybe...if there were more Left wing militia groups...the Right may start to question their own ideology.
Two years til 2016...we all had better start planning for a very active stand against the NeoCons and the Idiotic TeaBagger mentality...cause I know what these hacks want. Be warned fellow Progressive....the RightWing leadership understands how to embed their ideology into the "Sheeple of Red Land"...tell the lie and continue to tell the lie and point the blame towards the ideology this Red Machine stands isn't hard do to. For those of you that have never read what Hermann Goering stated in an interview while being tried at the Nuremberg trails....look it up and read....splains it all.