Regarding Impeachment [View all]
......(Y)ou may represent only a minority in the community. And therefore you might have a tendency to classify (yourselves) as something insignificant But just as the fuse is the smallest part or the smallest piece in the powder keg, it is yet that little fuse that ignites the entire powder keg.
-- Malcolm X, April 8, 1964
I think it might be beneficial to have an Impeach Trump Now sub-group of activists on DU. There are clearly a lot of people on this forum who favor impeachment. There are also people who either are not sure, or who believe that it would be better to focus on winning in 2020. I believe that we can and should respect that range of opinions.
Among the Impeach Now people, there is also a wide range of individuals, each with their own talents and abilities. And that offers great potential. A semi-coordinated grass roots level of activism can make a difference.
If you might be interested, we could get started. I know people have been doing things as individuals, which is great. But I think we could benefit from doing more coordination.
H2O Man