A vote for Bernie is a vote to keep the 5-4 Citizens United ruling in place for our great-grand-kids [View all]
Bernie Sanders and George McGovern are my two favorite American politicians. I agree with almost everything they have to say. Both have been unapologetic advocates of a kind of Democratic Socialism that would greatly improve this country if implemented. It was that unapologetic liberal advocacy that caused George to lose the Electoral College in 49 states in 72, and that guarantees Bernie will lose in 2016.
The best chance Democrats have to change the 5-4 Citizens United ruling, and lot of other issues of critical importance to Americas future, is to hold the White House for the next 8 years. Scalia and Kennedy will both be over 80 years old when the next president takes office, the chance that at least one will be replaced in the next eight years is very good. Either of these Republican plutocrats being replaced by Democratic nominee would lead to a reversal of Citizens United and many other unethical 5-4 Supreme Court rulings designed to pursue the Republican agenda of stabbing the middle class in the back and transferring their money to the richest 1%.