AFN Leader dies after heart attack [View all]
(Note: U.S. Department of the Army Civilian employees in Japan were cut off earlier this year from US MILITARY MEDICAL CARE in Japan. Congress ordered the change- but US Military civilian employees are now dying from lack of care in Japan- Japanese Hospitals won't let them in. )
Longtime AFN leader dies of heart attack at US air base in Japan
STARS AND STRIPES February 27, 2023
YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan Robert Hawthorne, chief of the American Forces Network Pacific technical services division, died Thursday at this base in western Tokyo after suffering a heart attack, according to a Facebook post by the network Saturday.
His wife, Kim Hawthorne, in a message posted Sunday to the Yokota Civilian Medical Forum Facebook group, said her husband died at the Urgent Care Clinic.
She blamed the clinics inability to provide lifesaving treatment in serious health emergencies and a lack of guaranteed care at Japanese medical facilities for U.S. military personnel for contributing to her husbands death.
The Yokota [Urgent Care Clinic] has no capacity to treat any life altering events, she wrote in her post. It matters not whether you are [active duty] or civilian BOTH are at extreme risk.