Update: Alabama newspaper that ran KKK editorial now led by African-American woman [View all]
A new publisher and editor have been named at the Democrat-Reporter, the newspaper that gained national attention this week after its publisher wrote an editorial calling the Ku Klux Klan to “night ride again.”
After a meeting Thursday, Elecia R. Dexter, an African-American woman, was named as the paper’s new publisher and editor.
“We had a discussion yesterday and felt this was necessary to move forward. We’re hoping to move the paper in a different direction," Dexter told AL.com over the phone Friday afternoon. A call to the newspaper was answered by a man, who would not identify himself. He then handed the phone to a woman who identified herself as Dexter.
A press release posted on the news website for the West Alabama Watchman says her position became effective Thursday. The press release says Dexter graduated from Eastern Illinois University with her bachelor’s in speech communication. She also earned a master’s in Human Services from Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies and a master’s in counseling from Argosy University.
Read more: https://www.al.com/news/2019/02/alabama-newspaper-that-ran-kkk-editorial-now-led-by-african-american-woman.html
Earlier thread:
Editor who wrote Klan editorial has penned countless racist, sexist, xenophobic pieces