Ousted Alabama Governors Critics Turn Guns on His Appointed Senator [View all]
Alabama leaders who worked to force the Monday resignation of Gov. Robert Bentley are turning their fire on the man who stalled impeachment proceedings against the governor before gaining an appointment to the U.S. Senate.
State Rep. Ed Henry, a born-again Republican who pushed hard for Bentley’s impeachment, says he wouldn't rule out a federal investigation.
Henry relayed to U.S. News a shocking conversation he says he had with Bentley on the same day Strange accepted the Senate appointment. Henry says he organized the Feb. 9 meeting to apologize to Bentley for enjoying his suffering, something he felt compelled to do recalling his personal experience being “saved.” At the meeting, Henry says he cautioned Bentley against appointing Strange, only to hear a jaw-dropping explanation from the governor.
“I met with Gov. Bentley the day he appointed Strange and told him, ‘If you do this, you will be impeached’,” Henry recalls. “Gov. Bentley’s reply to me was, ‘Ed, we have to get rid of him. He’s corrupt.’ And I said, ‘You’re going to appoint someone who you believe to be corrupt to the U.S. Senate?’ He said, ‘We have to.’ I said, ‘Even if that means you most likely will be indicted or impeached?’ He said, ‘I’m not going to be indicted, I get to appoint his successor.’”