Look, here's my wrangle with most Trump commentary.
Trump: "I'll do something bad!"
--He's telling the absolute truth; Trump never lies! He's an evil genius.
Trump: "Look what else I'll do--it's phenomalicious!"
--Rat-f**ker wouldn't be able to tell the truth and say the sky is blue if his life depended on it--effing liar! He's a buffoon idiot that needs a staff of servants to wipe his ass and pull his, um, ... never mind.
In other words, he's necessarily in a state of true-valid superposition, in which he's both 100% truthful and 100% mendacious (and everything in between) all the time, until observed by somebody. Then the wave equation/superposition immediately collapses--and, weirdly enough, always conforms to the observers preconceptions. Even if the same utterance collapses 19 different ways for 18 different observers, they're still completely correct.
Most of the time Trump doesn't so much lie or tell the truth as speak without reference to the truth. To use a Princeton professor's technical term, he "bullshits." A liar must intend to deceive, knowing he's deceiving. Trump just talks and doesn't even consider whether there's a truth deeper than the sound waves produced by his buccal cavity. On occasion it's likely he lies or truth-tells, but there's no way of knowing when those are. (And, honestly, it's often the same on commentary about him, because that's just based on what the observer believes Trump would have said, even if he spouts word salad and sentence spaghetti.)