Matt Gaetz is getting weirder - says he sent money to women, even ones he doesn't 'date' [View all]
Now that the House Ethics Committee has announced it has changed its mind and will release the results of its deep dive into Matt Gaetzs cess pool the subject of its review has spoken. Guilty or innocent, most would expect Gaetz to employ standard Trumpian bluster. Deny everything. Blame politics, the Deep State, the media, and socialism. However, Gaetz has chosen nuance. In doing so, he did not quell the controversy. No. Instead, he fanned the flames.
After denying he was a statutory rapist who paid money to a minor for sex, Gaetz acknowledged that "in my single days, I often sent funds to women I dated even some I never dated but who asked."
The internet has questions.
We judge others by our own experience and values. So I have to ask how many male readers have sent money to strange women? How many people have forked over cash to, not just a woman, but women who have asked?