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In reply to the discussion: All I see is appeasement and acquiescence [View all]mucholderthandirt
(1,257 posts)All that reaching across the aisles, only to get a nub back, yet they grinned and promised they would fight for us. Ha. Bunch of lying cowards, the lot of them.
Now we get to spend the next few decades fighting to get what little of any decent America existed. I won't be here for most of that, if I live a year or two more, it's more than I expect. I don't care for myself, it's my kids, my grandson, and whoever may follow him.
I cast my first vote for Mondale. Why? Not because he was a good candidate, but because he was what the Dems put up, and hey, guys? He's better than Reagan! LOL Every single election, at least it's not the other guy. Even Obama wasn't what he said he was, too eager to bend to the Republicans. Joe Biden was good, but face it, he was old. We got Harris, and she was great, but even she isn't fighting, she stood down and now we get to suffer.
Buyer's remorse is a nice by-product, but half the people who voted for Trump are too stupid to realize it's their fault, he lies, they'll suffer too. The media will just blame the Democrats, and that's the narrative everyone will hear. The first thing Joe Biden should have done was break up the media.
I know we've all tried to make this work. We've donated, put in time calling, door knocking, whatever we could do. And still this country fell for a fascist regime that's going to hurt anyone who isn't rich enough, who doesn't have the power to avoid what's coming. And as history shows, even those people aren't really safe. But, they'll find out. Won't change anything, but life's a bitch.
I mean no disrespect for those who are fighting, for the politicians who are doing their best, but they're few and far between. I just think this was the last straw for me. Decades of voting for half-assed candidates has taken its toll. I think I may be done with politics. Nothing I do seems to matter anyway.