Liberal YouTubers
Related: About this forumLeaked Clark County Nevada Ballot Data Shows Vote Flipping Hack For 2024 Election

(23,979 posts)Unladen Swallow
(491 posts)LiberalArkie
(17,604 posts)If a person hollers and cries WOLF (or election fraud) people will ignore it when the wolf actually appears. When people hack in and break into election machines they are not actually trying to do anything then, just put that research on it in a file somewhere and create an environment that causes people to laugh at the idea of "Election Fraud".
Unladen Swallow
(491 posts)MagaSmash
(8,826 posts)stopdiggin
(13,466 posts)(without every actually getting to a 'hack' or malicious code ? )
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(39,286 posts)and doing a mathematical and statistical analysis of your own? Just pick a state and do it.
Many have done it, you know, and since you're so bored with it, I'd like to see what level of work you can do.
(13,466 posts)these 'statistical mash-ups' have been floating around since 2020 - have been thoroughly discredited by other 'mathematicians' - and amount to virtually nothing. It's all more of the Q-Anon, rabbithole nonsense.
Show me the hack - show me the malicious 'code' that is actually swapping votes ... (and the machine it was installed on?)
It's a bit like bigfoot ... First of all, capture one! Then we'll talk. Until then you can natter on for another 4 (or 8 or 12!) years - but it's still just an entertaining campfire story!
(39,286 posts)I have no idea what your educational qualifications are. I've heard your argument on other threads and forums and it takes a pretty good beating. Just so you know--it's trite, and has nothing to offer. For you to even make that allegation means you need to know what the rules of evidence are and how a case like this would be charged and tried. I am fairly well satisfied you haven't a clue in that regard, but go ahead: prove me wrong.
As far as a waste of time, if you think your country going fascist is a waste of time, what are you even doing here?
Demanding for someone else to do the work like show you the hack is disingenuous, at best. Get your skin in the game and if you're not willing to do that, you have no basis for complaint.
(13,466 posts)and I have explained exactly why. (not chasing through the wilds in pursuit of bigfoot either, by the way.)
(39,286 posts)than it is to contribute something that might further the cause. I see you realize that.
Also, your bigfoot reference is irrelevant to the argument. It's your attempt to make an argument using connotative language. When you do stuff like that, you make yourself look desperate.
(13,466 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 30, 2024, 03:05 AM - Edit history (1)
my intention to heap ridicule on an argument/theory that I consider to be completely baseless. Could have also referenced leprechauns, but then, you get the idea.
(9,850 posts)that tabulated over 600 votes.
That seriously should not be that expensive.
We would know instantly that the system was hacked.
(13,466 posts)because there is really no indication that there is/was - anything wrong with the initial 'count'.
(9,850 posts)expose an issue.
I say pay for a hand count.
If Kamala had won, the (R)'s would have done this with suspect evidence.
Their Arizona recount didn't seem to hurt their reputation in Arizona, unless of course they actually cheated.
(13,466 posts)than the machines ... Which according to most expert opinion is questionable, at best.
(9,850 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 30, 2024, 08:13 PM - Edit history (3)
I don't know how long you've been voting, but back in the day, all ballots were counted at the precinct, by hand, before they were sent to the ROV. Not anymore. Why not?
The precinct workers would be done by around 1-2 am and post the results at the precinct itself, so that voters could see how the precinct voted, the following morning.
I still believe this should happen and they should be compared with the computer/machine results.
In San Diego County, the ROV use to randomly pick a precincts for each race and hand counts them. If they are even 1 vote off, they start over until it is reconciled.
So if these charts are suspect & they are produced by Clark County, a hand count would at least determine if there was a hack or they are correct with a voting anomaly.
But no, let's just be the nice Democrats & just live with the results. YEA!
(507 posts)It's been decided by some that it's a waste of time and boring. I for one live on hope, grasping at straws. Whatever it takes to keep going in the face of defeat. But buy all means, squelch that voice of hope before it becomes something more. This site is an outlet for information, ideas, opinions and more. People are entitled to reach acceptance at their own pace.
(39,286 posts)Until we know what the charges could be in this case, these people have no basis for their complaints.
(507 posts)Whereas you chose logic and reason, I chose the classic "I know you are, but what am I" . Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I do concur with your post. I was defending my fellow DU members right to post and have an opinion without unnecessary ridicule in response. Just for the sake of ridicule.
I knew what you were doing. Sometimes I want to write the same.