Even if we stopped adding CO2 to the atmosphere RIGHT NOW, which means no more burning of fossil fuels at all, we would see 20 more years of warming until the atmosphere reached a new temperature equilibrium for the amount of CO2 already present. And then there are the tipping points we have already passed that will continue to amplify global warming for possibly hundreds of years. (As the ice caps on Greenland and Antarctica melt, the exposed ground and dirty ice will absorb more sunlight, until ALL the ice has melted. Then the warmth that went into melting ice caps will warm the air.)
The announced policy of the new Trump administration is not only to not end use of fossil fuels, but to increase the production of such fuels. Drill, baby, drill. That means the warming of the Earth's surface will continue and will continue FASTER than ever before.
But don't worry! I'm sure the new administration will also make it illegal for any government employee to ever talk about global warming. If no one talks about it or thinks about it, it can't happen, right?