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Related: About this forumIn push for fetal personhood, pregnant women are being jailed for miscarrying - Velshi - MSNBC
A disturbing new report from Pregnancy Justice reveals that more than 200 pregnant women have been prosecuted since the overturning of Roe, marking the highest number of cases recorded in a single year since 1973. Several states have already granted legal rights to fetuses and embryos, as anti-abortion advocates play the long game, aiming for national recognition of fetal personhoodand the eventual outlawing of abortion altogether.
The idea is to say, [that] the Supreme Court isnt ready to say that a fetus has constitutional rights but what were going to do is build the case prosecution by prostitution, law by law," explains Mary Ziegler, a law professor and historian at UC Davis Law School. - Aired on 10/12/2024.

(3,767 posts)If anyone thinks this will stop at a few states they are wrong. If anyone thinks it will calm down after the election they are wrong. They will continue to every state, every law, across the board. Im sure it wont be just abortion rights. It will become freedom of or from religion and speech as we are already seeing.
(5,073 posts)Women aren't going to let them get away with it. They want a civil war? WE will give it to them!!! Hands off our bodies! Grieve with us when we lose a child we wanted so bad, or just shut the F up. We don't need the nosy churchers telling US what to do with OUR rights. Period. And this 2nd coming of a new kind of witch trial will be remembered through the ages and spoken of, and recited in Samhain Circles across the world... just as we do with the original witch burnings.