Special Legislative Session in Offing, Says Puerto RIco Governor, but No Date Set
Gov. Ricardo Rosselló Nevares will convoke a special legislative session to consider pending bills, including some involving the economic plan approved by the federal Financial Oversight and Management Board, Public Affairs and Public Policy Secretary Ramón Rosario announced Tuesday.
Rosselló is said to believe there are enough matters left over to justify a special session, but the agenda has not yet been announced.
One measure that could bring in up to $69 million in new revenues was filed by the House speaker eight days before the session ended, the government spokesman said.
Also during the special session, the seven members of the Equality Commission will be confirmed, and amendments will be made to Act 30 of 2017, the Law for Equality and Congressional Representation of the American Citizens in Puerto Rico, to ensure that no public funds will be used in the islands quest for statehood.
Read more: http://www.sanjuanweeklypr.com/pdf/ediciones-pasadas/Jul-12-17.pdf (Page 4 of 48)