Related: About this forumIs a plastic colander ok?
Or should I invest in a metal one?
You know
to help with communication.

(16,296 posts)All the little holes allow Liberal thoughts to leak in- protect your brain at all times
(189,234 posts)regardless. You dont have to waste your time on it like the Christians do.
(3,796 posts)However, our liberal wing would happily accept your plastic.
The extra attention has brought a simmering dispute within the Church to the fore, namely what types of colander constitute acceptable religious attire. Progressives argue that any recognizable colander is acceptable, be it made of metal, plastic, or even collapsible silicone. The orthodox wing has a simple response to any pasta straining device that isnt a dual-handled wide-holed metal colander.
While there have been no physical clashes yet, some reddit threads reportedly got quite nasty, with older traditionalist Pastafarians proving to be especially vitriolic though they were often taunted by liberal church members who would post selfies wearing their non-metallic brightly colored pasta strainers.
Death to the plastic-colander-wearing heathens! They will not get to enjoy the afterlife.
An ultra-liberal wing has even emerged, which openly welcomes extremists who think collapsable silicone colanders are okay. While many moderate Pastafarians despaired for the deepening splits in their congregation, some can find a bright side even as factions emerge that view each other with an uncompromising hatred.
Our maturation into a real religion is complete.
Schism Erupts In Pastafarian Church Over Acceptability Of Plastic Colanders
(4,074 posts)There was a schism in the Pastafarian Church over precisely this issue.
Both sides saw holes in the others' reasoning. The divisiveness was foiled.
(6,645 posts)The holes!!!
(12,961 posts)AKwannabe
(6,645 posts)
(6,564 posts)AKwannabe
(6,645 posts)A point
Maybe a holey point of light?
(3,032 posts)Need guidance about the pirate garb requirement: if pastafarian goes full pirate and wears a pirate hat, is it worn with or without colander, or is colander alone only acceptable head covering?
(9,223 posts)AKwannabe
(6,645 posts)Ellipsis
(9,223 posts)AKwannabe
(6,645 posts)Prettier blue too!
And the spaghetti monster looks suspiciously like an octo