Related: About this forumI'm in Illinois where med use is legal. HOW do you find a doc that is willing to prescribe?
Let me start by saying that Illinois is a real clusterf*ck with this law. They were able to get conceal carry permits up and in gun freak hands in a matter of months, but somehow, med marijuana has proven to be more than they can manage... Now that I have vented, I am curious about what you guys can tell me about locating a doc that will even discuss the topic without judgment.
Under the Illinois law, I know I'm a candidate for med use. I was diagnosed with Glaucoma in 2000. I have a shoulder that the orthopedic specialist has clearly designated as arthritic (literally from our first meeting right after the accident.) I don't do pain killers well, and have tried acupuncture and even physical therapy for pain. Now, just to add to the fun, I've been diagnosed with Meniere's Disease which is a nerve issue based in the inner ear. (It feels a lot like low grade morning sickness coupled with dizziness with constant noise in that ear.) The docs say they can't do much more for the Meniere's short of killing my auditory nerve with injections through my ear drum. Not exactly my idea of help, if you want the truth, but that seems to be the best the ENT guys can come up with.
There is one substance that, according to studies, can benefit in all three of these medical issues. I have not been able to find a doc that is willing to discuss it--let alone prescribe. From what I can find online, there IS nobody in Illinois that says they can help, but I know somebody can, because the state says they've had applications from patients submitted already.
For all of you that live in places where there is some med use history, how did your state navigate this minefield? Did people get scrips from out of state docs at first? Can you even DO that? If I choose to try this, am I gonna have to go off the books and make a trip to Colorado every so often to get meds?
I figured this was a place to ask.

Response to davsand (Original post)
tishaLA This message was self-deleted by its author.
(15,189 posts)davsand
(13,433 posts)As far as I know the whole issue of where to buy is still in the application phase here. In order to apply for a card to go to a dispensary, you have to have a scrip. None of the local docs seem willing to even discuss the subject...
This is a chicken-v-egg situation, IMO, and I'm asking how other places navigated it when they fisrt passed their laws.
(60,025 posts)Since they get the script from the docs...
and surely someone buying pot at the dispensary would share who his/her doc is?
B Calm
(28,762 posts)are right about Illinois being a They tried getting a dispensary in Danville with no luck. Why is it taking so long? Medical marijuana in Illinois was voted legal, like what 2 years ago?
(13,433 posts)They still are futzing around with approving dispensary sites, and Rauner said something the other day about not wanting to extend the law after the cut off... I'll tell you, this state is a mess now, and is not looking like it will improve anytime in the near future.
The NRA jammed thru that conceal carry law and literally, within a matter of months the gun freaks were flying their permits high. Sick people are almost two years in, and the state is playing politics and blocking progress every step of the way. The sick people don't have a well financed lobby, and that seems to carry more weight here in our legislature than doing good ever has. We are a state with a Dem controlled House and Senate, and these guys can't muster the will to wipe their collective nose--let alone accomplish helping anybody. I've been in politics for most of my adult life, and I can honestly say the IL Dem Party is in the worst shape right now that I've ever seen it. THAT is how Rauner was able to buy his office.
I really don't want to self medicate. I support full legalization, and have even worked with our local PDA chapter to try and lobby for reform the Illinois zero tolerance laws on metabolites. I'm also coming to a day where I will either have to move someplace where med use is legal and operative, or else roll the dice with the illegal route. I really would prefer not to face that.
beachbum bob
(10,437 posts)you are gonna have to wait some more..and hope Gov Ruaner doesn't mess it up
(13,433 posts)It isn't gonna benefit any of his corporations or his cronies. At best we'll see neglect.
Edited to correct spelling!
(6,603 posts)will prescribe it for you. It's $80 an appt., and you have to see him once a year, even though you only have to get your card every 2 years, another $100. Suggestion for when you get your script: look for CBD strains, if you can find them. I have severe glaucoma in my left eye, moderate in me right. My eye pressures were off the chart, until I vaped a strain called "Tora Bora" before an eye Dr. appt. - I had NORMAL eye pressures!
Also, here in Michigan, once you get your card, you just show it at the dispensary, and you can buy up to 2.5 ounces. Hope this helps a little.
(13,433 posts)Any idea? The one doc I was ever able to get to even discuss med use with me was the one I used to see for Glaucoma. He has retired, unfortunately. He said that he doubted the reduced pressure would continue for much more than a couple hours. I kind of wondered about that, personally, because I think it takes longer to metabolize than just a couple hours...
Thanks for the info on the traveling Docs at the dispensaries. That makes perfect sense to me. What I am worried about, however, with Illinois, is the length of time the state might take to process the application for a med use card which you need to buy from the dispensaries. I carry a couple of state professional licenses, and it takes at least a month to get any kind of response on those. Yes, Illinois is THAT messed up...
(6,603 posts)The vaporizer I use has a large enough bowl that I can get 4 total vapes (3 minutes each) out of each bowl, so it will last the whole day. Plus, I'll do a vape at the first sign of an ocular migraine - seeing auras, which will stop the headache right way. Besides, I take 3 different eye drops 3-6 times a day, which help, a little.
Here in Michigan, it can take UP TO six weeks to get your card in the mail, but if you don't hear from them in 21 business days, you are presumed legal. Also, technically, dispensaries are illegal in Michigan, courtesy of our Supremes, but that is being widely ignored. Some cities have passed ordinances allowing them, a few outlawing them.
The Mayor of Lansing, Virg Bernero, has ordered the local police to leave them alone,
so you can find them on every side of town. They're not all equal, though. A couple will make you feel like you're doing an old fashioned drug deal, I avoid them. But there are a few that actually treat it like you're there for medicine, those are my favorite. There's one "el primo" place where everything is tested, pre-bagged, and more expensive, they're the place to go to for advice. They have a Doctor who does certifications every week. The varieties of product are endless, and change daily. Several places offer medibles, some don't. For all our state's backwardness, the people have spoken, and are choosing to ignore our happy drug warrior Atty. General.
I wish you the best of luck, Laura. I can honestly say the CBD strain has helped me more that all the drops I have to take. Hopefully, it will work for you, too.
(17,208 posts)They used to have a Dr. come to town once a month and write scrips out of a motel room. Now that rec is legal I haven't kept up, but try calling a dispensary, if you have any.
(13,433 posts)Thank you!
(17,208 posts)Sounds as if they have you pretty well Catch-22'd.
B Calm
(28,762 posts)get approved a dispensary in the state capital Springfield. Can't believe it's taking so damn long to get this program rolling.