Should Progressives Unify with the Democratic Party Establishment? Hell No! the greatest achievement of the Bernie campaign is that it has transformed the political spectrum and the way people (even including a few mainstream pundits) view the spectrum. Instead of a binary band with Republicans on the right and Democrats on the alleged "left," the political spectrum now looks like its divided into three parts:
The Republican Right, led by the Trumps and Cruzes, rallies its base through racist appeals, anti-immigrant hysteria, misogyny and "America First" rhetoric a base that is still sizeable and dangerous, even though it is aging and declining as whites lose their super-majority status, and as young whites arent as homophobic or bigoted as their elders.
The Democratic Centrist Establishment, personified by Hillary Clinton and dependent on its base of corporate funders, is adept (though not as convincingly as before) at campaigning to the left with rhetoric about "working families" and "breaking down barriers" while governing mostly on behalf of an unequal status quo, once in office. (Because of Trumps unpredictability and Clintons reliability, the centrist establishment will likely gain support this year from Wall Street Republicans and neoconservative hawks.)
The Progressive Left, embodied by (but broader than) the Bernie campaign, is gaining popularity by articulating issues ignored by major party elites:
free public college tuition funded by a Wall Street transaction tax
healthcare as a right through Enhanced Medicare for All
ending the drug war and mass incarceration
cuts in military spending
government jobs programs to rebuild infrastructure and transform to renewable energy
Progressives owe a debt of gratitude to Bernie Sanders for what hes accomplished. But no matter what Bernie does or says or advises at Julys Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, progressives must stay independent of Democratic elites. As the Bernie vs. Clinton primary contest has shown, we and they have different agendas, funders and values.

Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)Supporting those that suppress,
or worse oppress progressive
voices and goals, is an exercise
in self-defeating behavior.
(462 posts)They've shown they'll lie, cheat, and steal every bit as surely as the republicans do. On policy, they never, ever compromise with progressives. They start center right and they meet the republicans part way. Quite frankly, the goals of progressives and the dem establishment are at odds. These people are not our friends or allies.
(3,160 posts)-none
(1,884 posts)Democrats and Republicans? Not any more, that center is too far Right to be of much use to the average citizen.
(35,055 posts)but I really did not expect the outright cheating. Coin tosses, entire dropping buildings off the voter rolls, flipping registrations, and then that little show in Nevada. Party unity went right out the window with that.
(462 posts)TBF
(35,055 posts)I have had Clinton supporters tell me flat out on Facebook that it has always been this way. Party tricks - both sides. And I believe them. But in the past it was always just hushed up and most people really didn't know for sure. Now everyone has a smart phone and those videos were uploaded on Twitter and Reddit every day. No one is guessing or theorizing anymore - this time we're watching it in real time.
(462 posts)-none
(1,884 posts)That began to change during Nixon's time, getting worse with each general election as our "leaders" on both sides drifted farther and farther to the Right.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Democrats vs. Republicons. It's a convenient division but not accurate and distracting. The divisions are closer to the Progressive Left, the so-call "centrists" (closer to neo-liberal) and the fascists.
(3,160 posts)Protalker
(418 posts)Trump on Morning Joe expects support from a lot of Bernie's supporters and stated he and Bernie are similar in several ways. Joe thinks Bernie ought to run 3rd party. Only time will tell. Nader was on Hardball. I hope we don't get a 2000 tesult.
(22,748 posts)Last edited Fri May 20, 2016, 10:48 AM - Edit history (1)
While remaining independent of the Democratic establishment, progressives must take the Trump threat seriously and make sure hes defeated in November. If its a contest between Trump and Clinton, I support a "safe-state voting" tactic, where you can cast a protest vote or a Green Party vote in most of the country, but you vote against Trump by voting for Clinton in the dozen swing states where polls show a close race.
As Noam Chomsky said on Democracy Now! this week: "If Clinton is nominated and it comes to a choice between Clinton and Trump, in a swing state a state where its going to matter which way you vote I would vote against Trump, and by elementary arithmetic, that means you hold your nose and you vote Democrat. I dont think theres any other rational choice."
One can "hold your nose and vote Democrat" tactically without becoming a Democratic Party hack or a Clinton apologist. Defeating Trump does not mean we exaggerate any positives about the Democratic establishment. More important than how we vote is how we build independent progressive organizations and movements (and media) in the coming months and years.
Noam Chomsky:

mountain grammy
(27,580 posts)and came away feeling positive. Bernie Sanders with his honesty and pro people agenda, has won the hearts of millions. I've been listening to him for years, and I'm happy to welcome those who are finally hearing a real liberal voice with real solutions to save humanity and the planet.
(17,320 posts)fleur-de-lisa
(14,685 posts)On Fri May 20, 2016, 09:07 AM an alert was sent on the following post:
Should Progressives Unify with the Democratic Party Establishment? Hell No!
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
This post is bullshit. This place is DU. DU is not the place to undermine the Democratic Party. This is a clear TOS violation advocating not supporting the Democratic nominee.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Fri May 20, 2016, 09:15 AM, and the Jury voted 3-4 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: This is a upbeat and positive article from "Common Dreams," an outstanding progressive publication. I'm shocked at the alert and will be disgusted if this post is hidden.
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: I agree w/ alerter. Either this is Democratic Underground or not. If you don't want to be a Democrat, go somewhere else.
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Sick and tired of all the rage against our presumptive nominee. Stow it or gtfo.
Juror #4 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: It's still primary season and this is out there and on your left. You can stand to discuss it.
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: What a stupid alert. This is still the primary season and we don't have a 'Democratic nominee' yet.
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: I'm a HRC supporter and do not see a problem with this post. Yes, it's paints a distorted view of HRC's position on policies, but in the end Mr Cohen does advocate for BS supporters to vote for HRC if she is the nominee.
mountain grammy
(27,580 posts)and it barely survived a hide. And to those who would choose to censor such a thoughtful piece; you are the problem. On DU, this should have been an easy 7-0 to LEAVE IT. How disappointing.
(1,090 posts)that a lot of Identified Bernie supporters no longer get on juries.
(1,926 posts)Relax.
(22,748 posts)n/t
(1,090 posts)I was getting called everyday and sometime twice a day since I've been on this site, I was at 100% and 90% and still was called on a regular bases. But for the last month, well I can give you the exact date April 9th, was the last call. I've been on the site the same amount of time and was ALWAYS Fair and even handed, I rarely hid anyone with the caveat of only obvious trolls from off site, not HRC or Bernie supporters. I'm not the only one this has happened to. So indeed I'll chill out and let all my friends and union brothers and sisters who I've always told that this WAS a good site That it might be good to find somewhere else. I have, but I stay here as well to support Those who keep trying to educate people on the truth. (note the small "t" we all know the truth is a relative thing)
(17,301 posts)RepubliCON-like to enjoy as much as I use to. I think all the paid Hillary trolls visit DU regularly.
But I'm still called on. I'm an adamant Bernie voter and have been banned from almost all Hillary groups like the History of Feminism and the African American group. But I still get called upon to be on juries. If I'm actually at my desk when asked, I always agree to be on a jury. I feel it is my duty.
Once when I was banned from the Hillary group and 2 of my comments got hidden, then I got banned from DU for a very long time. Something about having too many hides and a ban in one day. It's was a very strange thing. I had never ever been banned before and had only one hide. The DU member called me all sorts of names, dropped the F bomb and attacked me personally but he alerted on me, I then alerted on him. They banned me and hid my comments even though it was he who had broken almost ever rule. His pro-Hillary insults and name calling were allowed to stay while my comments without insults were hidden.
I was dumbfounded that DU juries could be so absolutely unfair and partisan. I staid away for months. I still come here less often. It left a bad taste in my mouth and I hate Hillary Trolls.
(2,570 posts)and given that is merely the same game they've been playing since the birth of their thirdwayisms, they shouldn't find it too objectionable
(598 posts)
Four pro-Bernie Sanders rallies, with estimated attendance of 38,000 activists, have been approved for public demonstrations during the Democratic National Convention in July, the city said Thursday.
The four rallies, given permits Wednesday night, bring the total to five for approved rallies and marches during what is expected to be a bustling week of political activity in Center City and South Philadelphia. The convention officially runs July 25-28, but two of the five approved rallies and marches of more than 7,000 activists will be held July 24 -- the day more than 4,000 delegates arrive from across the country.
(6,837 posts)... I don't care what is going on in their heads. I just want Trump to be defeated.
(22,748 posts)
(6,719 posts)We need this kind of post. I support Bernie. I am disgusted with the DNC to the point I will change my registration but vote Dem for the most part. I have been sadly disappointed with the failure of clinton to 'see' what was happening and to embrace the progressive movement. It would have been so easy! And now her 'stop it' remarks are making people less willing to unite. I am sorry about that also.