Democracy Movement Awakens in America Awakening mobilized protesters to protect voting rights, get big money out of politics, and demand action on president Obamas Supreme Court nomination. The coalition, convened by Cornell Brooks and the NAACP, included the National Organization of Women, the AFL-CIO, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and many others. Even with these large organizations, the networks largely ignored them.
A Media Matters analysis of the TV news coverage of these mass protests against money in politics organized by Democracy Awakening and Democracy Spring showed that the networks devoted a total of only 29 seconds of airtime between April 11 and April 18 to the week of demonstrations.
It was an awakening for a new Democracy movement in America. We can only expect it to grow. Just wait until Bernie Sanders political revolution shifts its focus away from the ballot box and into the streets. That day will come whether he wins or loses the elections. Let us hope that this is truly the start of a real movement for Democracy in America.

(24,298 posts)felix_numinous
(5,198 posts)my best to everyone, stay safe.
(10,521 posts)We have gone beyond third world corruption in this country. Legalized bribes, electronic voting fraud, overturning the key provisions of the voting rights act... All of that to guarantee the Plutocrats/Oligarch's retain the power. Hell, they even ALEC writing the laws to be passed because the corrupt politicians are too busy collecting campaign bribes to do that part of their jobs!
Admiral Loinpresser
(3,859 posts)silvershadow
(10,336 posts)danimich1
(175 posts)But I will if there are any of these protests within driving distance. I've had enough.
(6,719 posts)Sorry, did no mean to yell. I appreciate this post. Have wondered abut follow up to Democracy Spring/Awakening because of the total lack of MSM coverage. Guess our fine and growing alternative media kept it all alive. I will take to the streets locally when that happens.
(2,741 posts)regardless of who is elected...the principles behind this movement are too important to be ignored...
(1,400 posts)I don't think it can be done without "crimes" being committed.
Protesters arrested, zero coverage.
If there was a dozen tea baggers it would have been 24/7 coverage.
We can't let this blackout of the people wanting to fix THE REAL PROBLEM go on.