The Latest on Free Trade and the TPP
Last edited Fri Dec 13, 2013, 06:17 PM - Edit history (5)
This thread is intended to be a place to post the latest infor on the TPP and be an archive of such posts. It's not intended for discussions. They can be in their own threads.
Please add the latest info and or links to the bottom of the thread via responses.

(68,644 posts)Garments, Appliances, Countless others left for other countries and NAFTA was supported by leadership in both parties.
(50,983 posts)I believe we must throw out our normal conception of our fellow human beingsfellow American citizens.
Those pushing this deal do not care if we end up literally starving to death. They do not care in the very least. No, allow me to amend that. They hope we die of exposure or starvation. Why they are so evil, I have no ideabut they are.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)Congress as well, which is totally UNACCEPTABLE!
America where Corporations write the laws and Congress just rubber stamps them. Global Corps at that. Talk about 'selling your country down the river.
(15,882 posts)big screens, the whole bit.
Tell them there's some Benghazi crap in there or something, they'll start setting up the tables over the weekend.
(11,347 posts).... and it will be the final step to the total privatization of the American government. That link right there will fill in the facts. I encourage everyone to click on your link and watch this current episode of Bill Moyers & Co. It would be a good one to sit your right wing family members down with over the holidays when they come visiting and bring up politics. See how many "yeah, buts" you get out of them. Send it to them in an e-mail, once a week until they read it and respond to it's contents. Tell them to start watching Bill Moyers every week on PBS and learn what the hell is REALLY going on in our country! Just suggestions. Happy Holidays!
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)BelgianMadCow
(5,379 posts)The Global Corporatocracy is Almost Fully Operational
(84,711 posts)Thanks for posting it here. Connecting the dots to all these "Free Trade Agreements" in the works and done mostly in Secret.
Follow up to the TPP.....!
(84,711 posts)In Letters to Obama, 151 House Democrats, Bloc of GOP Announce Opposition to Fast Track Trade Auth [View all]
Last edited Wed Nov 13, 2013, 05:25 PM - Edit history (1)
WASHINGTON, D.C. A letter sent today to President Barack Obama opposing Fast Track authority, signed by 151 House Democrats, signals the end of a controversial Nixon-era procedure used to railroad contentious trade pacts through Congress. Obama has asked Congress to delegate to him its constitutional trade authority via Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other pacts.
The signers of the letter show the breadth and depth of Democratic House opposition to Fast Track. Signers include:
18 of 21 full committee ranking members and 72 subcommittee ranking members;
Leadership members including Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn; Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Steve Israel; Steering and Policy Committee Co-Chairs Rosa DeLauro and Rob Andrews; and 35 of 48 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee members;
19 of the short list of Democrats who voted for the 2011 U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement;
26 of the 51 members of the New Democrat Coalition, and 8 of the 14 members of the Blue Dog Coalition; and
36 of 42 House members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and 13 of 19 House members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus
On Tuesday, 25 House Republicans members announced their opposition to Fast Track, and most Democratic Ways and Means Committee members joined a letter noting that the old Fast Track process enjoys little support. Even prominent supporters of past trade agreements who did not sign these letters recently have voiced their opposition to Fast Track.
These letters make clear that Fast Track is history, said Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizens Global Trade Watch. When Nixon cooked up this scheme 40 years ago, trade pacts covered only tariffs. Now, deals like the TPP could rewrite wide swaths of U.S. policy, currently under the control of Congress, from food safety and financial regulation to Buy American procurement to energy policy.
(84,711 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)adirondacker
(2,921 posts)with some of my favorite posters on DU.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Posted in GD
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Posted in GD
(84,711 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)KoKo
(84,711 posts)Electronic Frontier Foundation
November 19, 2013 | By Maira Sutton
Secret TPP Negotiations Resume in Salt Lake City
The newest round of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations begin today in Salt Lake City, Utah, where trade representatives will work towards finalizing the text of this sprawling secret agreement. Last week's publication of the controversial "Intellectual Property" chapter by Wikileaks confirmed our worst fears: the TPP carries draconian copyright enforcement provisions that threaten users' rights and could stifle innovation well into the 21st Century. Public opposition to the TPP continues to grow as a result of the leaked document; an opaque policymaking process that seems geared towards appeasing Big Content does not provide much in the way of legitimacy.
Stop Secret Copyright Treaties
In the past week, 23 Republicans and 151 Democrats in the House of Representatives wrote letters to the Obama administration indicating their unwillingness to comply with the Executive's request for power to fast-track trade agreements through Congress. Fast-track authority, also known as Trade Promotion Authority, limits congressional approval over trade agreements to a yes or no, up or down vote. If a bill granting fast-track were to pass, hearings would become extremely limited, and lawmakers would have no ability to make amendments. It would give the Obama administration unchecked power to shape TPP and other agreements like the EU-U.S. trade deal, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP).
There are some Congress members who are actively pushing for fast-track and are vowing to introduce legislation to enact it by 2014. Thankfully, these letters from the House show the White House is going to have difficulty in finding support in Congress to pass such a bill. Still, the Obama administration is going to push hard for the passage of fast-track. The U.S. trade office is negotiating TPP as if it already has fast-track authority, by deciding for itself which countries to negotiate with and what issues are on the table.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Posted in the economy group:
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Source:<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Yves Smith and Dean Baker on Secrets in Trade</a> from <a href=""></a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
I moved this article from the OP. See post #8 for followup.
(5,379 posts)posted in GD by marmar
(5,379 posts)From
Amazingly, this is based on the very same legal strategy the railroads used to exploit the language of the U.S. Constitutions 14th Amendment to become legal persons. Only, the investor-state lawsuits aren't brought to national courts; they're arbitrated by a small, secretive tribunal of judges not bound by domestic law.
Its almost funny how America's small government, weak regulation tea party set supposedly stay awake at night worrying that an otherwise toothless United Nations may be forming an oppressive global government. And by almost funny, I mean incredibly stupid.
This thread is also for TTIP, right? I fear with the relative furor over TPP the TTIP might fly under the radar.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Posted in GD:
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)BelgianMadCow
(5,379 posts)Note that a deal on TPA for TPP is reportedly getting close, but not done.
(68,644 posts)
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Posted by truedelphi in GD:
(84,711 posts)
Fast-Track Trade Bill Deal Said to Be Reached by Congress
Source: Bloomberg
A bipartisan group of lawmakers has reached agreement on legislation to help President Barack Obama win approval of trade deals, including a Pacific-region pact now in negotiation, a Senate aide said.
Leaders of the House Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee, which have jurisdiction over trade accords, agreed today on so-called fast-track legislation that would let the White House negotiate trade deals that Congress would approve through an up-or-down vote, without adding amendments, the person said.
The bill will be introduced next month when Congress returns and include a measure to address concerns about currency manipulation among U.S. trading partners, the aide said, without providing further details. The Washington-based American Automotive Policy Council, which represents Ford Motor Co. (F), General Motors Co. (GM) and Chrysler Group LLC (CGC), is among groups that have pushed for the currency measure.
Fast-track, formally known as trade-promotion authority, can help the U.S. win other nations support for trade accords by letting them know the negotiated deals wont be significantly changed. The U.S. is now brokering two major accords, the Trans-Pacific Partnership with 11 regional nations, and a separate free-trade deal with the 28-nation European Union.
Read more:
(84,711 posts)Last edited Sat Dec 14, 2013, 11:57 AM - Edit history (2)
(84,711 posts)We need to not go asleep on this through the holidays where there will be much to distract us!
(5,379 posts)posted in LBN by Purveyor.
Why isn't this thread sticky anymore? I thought it useful.
(84,711 posts):kick:
(5,379 posts)Look at the canards:
From the days of the North American Free Trade Agreement, launched 20 years ago, trade has always been a tough sell politically in the US and, for a Democratic president, it means taking on allies among labour, environmental and consumer groups who are often staunchly opposed to the agreements.
Their scepticism about trade boils down to a belief that the US too often negotiates trade deals for the benefit of its multinational corporations, rather than ordinary workers, exacerbating wage stagnation and income inequality.
Mr Obama and his top administration officials do not see it that way by any stretch They acknowledge that US trade policy has had problems in the past, but have vowed to do things differently this time, by insisting on tougher standards on workers rights, environmental regulations, the role of state-owned enterprises and intellectual property protections.
Much more, with interesting graphics like the one below, at Naked Capitalism

(84,711 posts)I 've read the push for action on TPP is supposed to be starting this month. I'm just hoping that the "Fast Track" doesn't get slipped into the Unemployment Extension Legislation or bundled into some other Bill and voted through in a last minute deal.
It's hard to judge if there's enough push back from the RW and our Dems to join together to stop it.
(84,711 posts)Congressional Deal Reached on Obama Trade-Talks Authority
By Brian Wingfield, Laura Litvan and Michael C. Bender Jan 9, 2014 3:34 PM ET
Congressional leaders who oversee trade policy introduced legislation today that would give President Barack Obama the fast-track authority he is seeking to enact three of the worlds largest accords.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp of Michigan joined leaders of the Senate Finance Committee to offer legislation on so-called trade-promotion authority, which subjects trade deals to an up-or-down vote by Congress.
Obama Priority
The fast-track authority is a priority for Obama and is critical as negotiations move forward on the EU and Pacific-rim pacts, White House press secretary Jay Carney said.
While Carney said today he hasnt seen the specifics of the legislation, when theres progress on that front its a good thing.
Representative Sander Levin of Michigan, the top Democrat on the Republican-led House panel, said hes working on a rival measure and will lead opposition to the Baucus-Camp bill.
You have to have a very substantial increase in Congresss involvement at all stages, Levin told reporters today in his office in Washington. The measure introduced by his colleagues falls far short of what needs to be included, he said.
Baucuss bill, co-sponsored by Republicans Camp and Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, updates labor and environmental protections, adds provisions to guard intellectual property from cyber theft and for the first time seeks to prevent currency manipulation by trading partners, according to a fact sheet.
Business Support
It also ensures that members of Congress have access to the negotiating texts and lets them participate in the talks.
Industry groups including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the business communitys largest lobby, and the National Association of Manufacturers immediately backed the legislation.
TPA is the Chambers top trade priority before the Congress, Thomas Donohue, the Washington-based organizations president and chief executive officer, said in a statement.
Levin said his bill will include provisions to prevent currency-manipulation and to create a bipartisan congressional panel that will weigh in on trade deals on an ongoing basis. He said the bill will include goals on labor, the environment and access to medicines.
U.S. automakers led by Ford Motor Co. (F) today separately proposed that negotiators working on the Pacific trade deal take steps to prevent currency manipulation by trading partners.
Currency Discipline
We will not support a Trans-Pacific Partnership that does not include a strong and enforceable currency discipline, Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council and a former Republican governor of Missouri, said today on a call with reporters. The Washington-based group lobbies on behalf of Ford, General Motors Co. (GM) and Chrysler Group LLC.
Speaking at a Bloomberg Government breakfast today, Representative Aaron Schock of Illinois, a Republican on the House panel, said Obama needs to do more to lobby for trade-promotion authority.
We need the president to come out and say he wants this. We need leadership from him, Schock said, noting that the White House hasnt endorsed the lawmakers plan.
Obama in a July 30 speech called for the authority, and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman and Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, two of his top deputies, have each urged Congress to pass the measure.
Bipartisan Support
House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, said Obama provided scant attention on fast-track authority in seeking support from Democrats in Congress.
I made clear to the president that this cant pass unless theres bipartisan support for it, Boehner told reporters today at the Capitol.
The trade authority, which expired in 2007, lets Congress set parameters for considering trade deals, and allows lawmakers to pass the accords without making amendments. Opponents, including labor unions and environmental groups, say they want more say in the pacts, particularly with the Pacific agreement in its final stages of negotiation, before giving Obama fast-track authority.
This legislation strips Congress of its defining democratic characteristic -- its check-and-balance structure, Michael Brune, executive director of the San Francisco-based Sierra Club, said today in a statement. He said lawmakers should be able to fully debate and amend trade deals.
Supporters of fast-track authority including a coalition of about 160 groups, led by organizations including the Business Roundtable, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Association of Manufacturers. The coalition -- whose members include Boeing Co. (BA), MetLife Inc. (MET), Pfizer Inc. (PFE) and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) -- has ramped up lobbying efforts in recent months.
(84,711 posts)Congress Introduce Bi-Partisan Bill To Abdicate Its Own Role And Screw Over American Public All At Once
from the shameful dept
We knew this was happening sooner or later, but Senate Finance chair Max Baucus, along with ranking member Orrin Hatch, have introduced the "fast track authority" bill in the Senate. Over in the House, the same basic bill has been introduced by Rep. Dave Camp. There had been rumors that the introduction of the bill would be delayed because not a single House Democrat would co-sponsor the bill, but apparently the existing bill supporters decided not to wait. Fast track authority or "trade promotion authority" is a very dangerous concept. It is basically Congress completely abdicating its Constitutional authority under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, which grants Congress the sole power "to regulate commerce with foreign nations."
Instead, what fast track authority means is that Congress is saying, "that's okay, you guys in the administration can handle that." Basically, it's Congress flat out telling the White House and the USTR that it, and not the Congress, can come up with trade agreements with foreign powers, and Congress will tie its own hands in being able to challenge or review the various provisions. Instead, it will limit Congress entirely to an up or down vote on the entire trade agreement. And, in this case, the fast track authority will be used to approve the TPP (and likely TAFTA/TTIP after that). These are trade agreements that, as we've already discussed, are designed to help certain legacy industries at the expense of innovation and the public. Specifically, this would grant the administration four years of "fast track authority" with an easy three year extension after that.
The most ridiculous part is that the sponsors of the bill that will give up Congress' own powers are claiming that it does the opposite:
TPA-2014 also provides greater transparency and gives Congress greater oversight of the Administrations trade negotiations.
Uh, no. It does the exact opposite. It takes away Congress' Constitutional powers to regulate commerce with other nations, providing less oversight for trade negotiations and guaranteeing even less transparency than the almost none that exists today. The sponsors of the bill are pretending that the details in the 107 page bill "instruct" the USTR how to properly negotiate things like the TPP, but it's basically just repeating the USTR's existing wishlist. Included are, of course, a section on the importance of "high standards of intellectual property protection" as well as support for dangerous corporate sovereignty tribunals, commonly referred to as "investor state dispute settlement" plans.
While this bill is moderately bipartisan in the sponsorship (with Senator Baucus selling out the majority of his party who is opposed to it), it's the Republicans who are the driving force behind this. And that makes no sense at all. This is the same Republican party who shut down the entire federal government to block the president's healthcare proposal, and has spent years attacking anything that even has the mild stench of the executive branch taking on a role that goes beyond what the Constitution allows. And yet here they are gleefully handing over the Constitutionally-given reins for regulating foreign commerce... to the president they hate? How does that make any sense at all?
(84,711 posts)
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)If I remember correctly there are 16 of them. Today I read, ironically, that Republicans are saying 'not so fast' and want 'changes' before getting on board. I haven't read what those changes are, but I doubt they will be for the benefit of the people.
I don't have much faith in any of them being influenced by what they people think, but at least it probably annoys them when people call their offices and email them. So it's probably worth doing if for no other reason..
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)to derail the TPP? Isnt there a good chance it could be worse if there are amendments allowed?
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)Congress refuse to vote at all on a Bill that most of them have never seen. Then produce the whole thing out in the open, CONGRESS is supposed to write our laws, NOT Coruproations, especially Foreign Corporations, and let ALL of us see what is in there.
But no way should there be any votes, up or down, nor any amendments added to something that is such a huge secret even to Congress, there is no way they can vote legitimately on something THEY did not write.
(5,379 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)United States Trade Representative Michael Froman Refuses To Show Up For Senate Hearing On TTP Fast Track
Posted in GD by KoKo:
(84,711 posts)Welcome to the Trade Data Center. Here you can explore data resources that illustrate the impact of trade policy on jobs, the environment, and your community.
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(5,227 posts)Buzz Feed Post:
Description of Fast Track:
Anti-Fast Track Petition:
(5,379 posts)More than two-thirds of voters in 13 battleground constituencies want to see the NHS safeguarded from a new trade deal that critics say threatens to make the privatisation of UK health services permanent.
The deal, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), is being negotiated behind the closed doors at the European commission, between EU bureaucrats and delegates from the US. It is the largest bilateral trade deal ever negotiated worth an estimated £4bn to UK GDP.
But critics say the TTIP threatens to make the outsourcing of health services in Britain irreversible by allowing US multinationals, or any firm with American investors, to sue any future UK government if it attempted to take privatised health services back into public ownership, jeopardising their profits.
The Guardian
There's a rift between the EU and Russia now, with the recent sharpening of sanctions by the EU following MH17. Russia is now responding in kind with a ban on EU meat, fruit and vegetables. TTIP becomes the inevitable solution. Dirty oil and gas, keystone pipelined, will be shipped to the EU when Putin turns off the gas. Lifting restrictions on tar sand oil and the like is part of the negotiations. And who shot down MH17?