First post here on new blog and book on progressivism
A kind person on another thread alerted me to this group and I am happy to find you.
I have just created a blog, that I hope will become a resource. Initially I have a page of progressive bibliography, a page devoted to progressive history, and a page devoted to my yet to be published book that advocates progressive government, Let's Do What Works and Call it Capitalism. You can read excerpts from the book on this blog, but it may be easier to read them on my personal blog, where they were posted by individual chapter. You can also find the excerpts on DailyKos at
I just went live with the blog a couple of days ago and there is a lot I plan to do that I haven't done yet. I also will shortly begin the process of pitching my book to agents.
Comments, pro or con, will be greatly appreciated.
(121,547 posts)ms liberty
(9,912 posts)What it took to rein-in the undue influence of big business in 1912 certainly has bearing on our current problems. The success was quickly undermined (FED 1913).
(52 posts)The Books About Progressivism section of this blog now has been organized by topic. Overall, this still is a work in progress and many sections still have to be completed.
(52 posts)About 130 books about FDR, the Depression & the New Deal were added today to the Books About Progressivism Page at