Why the Kiev regime is fascist..
I stumbled upon this short article in my travels. It's from a Russian blog that's available in English translation. The link to the article states:
"The war in Ukraine is the result of an armed insurgency against the fascist regime in Kiev and the regime's subsequent attempts to suppress it.
If you don't understand why the current regime in Ukraine is fascist, then please read this article first: http://cassad-eng.livejournal.com/2908.html."
"On Terminology"
Let's take the classic definition of fascism from Georgi Dimitrov, which was considered as the clearest definition of fascism from the point of view of the communist theory in the USSR.
Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic, the most imperialistic elements of the financial capital... Fascism is neither the government beyond classes nor the government of the petty bourgeois or the lumpen-proletariat over the financial capital. Fascism is the government of the financial capital itself. It is an organized massacre of the working class and the revolutionary slice of peasantry and intelligentsia. Fascism in its foreign policy is the most brutal kind of chauvinism, which cultivates zoological hatred against other peoples."
Ukraine is governed by the representatives of major financial capital. Billionaires run against millionaires for president. The most probable candidates are Poroshenko the billionaire and Tymoshenko the millionaire. The billionaire Kolomoisky is a major power in Ukraine. Billionaires Taruta and Akhmetov were sent to pacify the rebellion in Donbass. In other words, we can see a clear implementation of the government by the representatives of major financial capital. Isn't Poroshenko a major financial capitalist? Isn't Kolomoisky a major financial capitalist? Therefore, denying the essence of the key beneficiaries of the coup suggests either flagrant misunderstanding of the essence of capitalism or the desire to preserve the battered templates. <emphasis, mine>
Link: http://cassad-eng.livejournal.com/2908.html
The influence of neo-Nazis in the Kiev so-called government seems to have been successfully thrown down the memory hole. It appears that the US Government is not averse to supporting fascists if they serve the interests of finance capital.
Try to set aside, for the moment, that it's a Russian blog, eeek! and ask yourself whether the definition fits.

(16,593 posts)Quote:
"As we can see, the opponents of the Kiev junta are openly terrorized, which includes physical extermination, intimidation, hostage-taking, warrantless arrests, abductions, torture, and other elements of terror. A small group of people that got into power by the way of a coup authorizes and supervises this terror. This dictatorship is narrowly reactionary and represents the most radical forms of the Ukrainian integral nationalism and fascism, which, as declarations made by Yarosh imply, do not hide their imperialist tendencies, primarily at the expense of the capitalist Russian Federation."
This reads like a Fox News bubble!
And the blog-entry is from BEFORE the elections in Ukraine.
(8,219 posts)it doesn't change the fact that finance capital still runs things.
Or not, as you wish. Go back to sleep. ZZZZZZ...
(16,593 posts)* physical extermination
* intimidation
* hostage-taking
* warrantless arrests
* abductions
* torture
* other elements of terror
* imperialist tendencies
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)Ukraine is governed by the representatives of major financial capital. Billionaires run against millionaires for president.
You can substitute the United Stated for Ukraine in that quote, and it still holds true.
All of our 'viable' candidates are 1%ers who push policy that benefits Wall Street over Main Street. Ditto almost every single member of Congress.
You don't need Neo-nazi influence for the plutocrats to be in charge. That's true in many countries.
(8,219 posts)much as is pointed out in the article. But I didn't want to bring that up because it could point out some inconvenient facts about where the interests of the US Govt., itself, lie.
However, since you mentioned it...
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)There's a revolving door between appointments by and staff of Congress and the White House and the major financial firms like Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan.
There are some good people in Congress, but there are also far too many whose interest in governing is merely to maintain enough of a consumer market to keep the money flowing into shareholder pockets.
I do take part of that back - they're doing all they can to hide the details of the TPP until they can lock it down, because it's just too incredibly blatant in placing mulitnational corporate concerns ahead of those of the general public.