Two websites worth looking at...
or not, as you see fit.
> > >
I haven't been back over here more than a couple of times in the last few weeks, because I can't stand the ethnic cleansing that's going on in Gaza, the demonizing of President Putin, and the US support of the Nazi junta in Kiev.
I would encourage anyone to read the comments sections - especially read the comments. I guess an obligatory warning is necessary: The posters over there do not give Israel a pass. Likewise, the Obama Administration, NATO, or the idea that the Democrats are going to save us.
But if you want some sense of the propaganda that's being shoveled down our throats by the US Gov't. and their vassal states around the world, and that includes the (likely false flag, gone ary) downing of MH17, then it might be worth your while.
You can lead a horse to water....

(21,115 posts)
(8,219 posts)Who's supporting the Nazi junta in Kiev?
(21,115 posts)The blame America.....its always HER fault perspective..That's a mighty narrow perspective indeed if you ask me....
(8,219 posts)In other news, an anecdote, if I may...
Some while ago I posted, in a thread here on DU, a very mild criticism of Pres. Obama. Checking my posts soon after, I found that I had been banned from the BOG.
I was truly perplexed, because I would never post in the BOG, since it's considered a "safe" place where posters don't have to argue with others about his faults. As it turned out, I had posted from the "latest threads" section of DU, not paying attention to where my post ended up.
I PM'ed OK Nancy and apologized, which she kindly accepted.
The point of this is that it doesn't seem to work both ways. This is a group. I'm not interested in arguing about whether, or how much, America is blamed for all the current chaos in the world. That seems to be where this is going.
Does this mean that I can go to the BOG and start picking apart what posters are saying about Pres. Obama?
(21,115 posts)This is straight to Alex Jones territory.....
By the way....I am no representative of "the Bog"......I post there as well as any where else I please. I am not coordinated by anyone or any group....So what the Bog has to do with my response and reaction is beyond me....
(8,219 posts)by identifying it with a source that's considered extreme is a disinformation tactic.
Actually, I'm not sure what the "this" is that you're referring to.
For my part, I've been fortunate to have a significant amount of free time available here of late, and I've been able to follow these blogs in depth.
I've watched as this person who calls himself "The Saker" has created a blog that is now available in Russian, French, English and German, thanks to many people who are doing translations on a daily basis. A group of Russian speakers are translating into English, and just a couple of days ago he put out a call for native English speakers to proofread the Russian translations to make them flow more smoothly.
Possibly this doesn't interest you, but that's ok. I think others who are reading this thread should know it. I consider it a significant accomplishment in furthering an understanding of what's going on in Ukraine.
As far as the BOG, I can't help but feel that you're being deliberately obtuse. My point, as I clearly stated it, was that those who post in that group do not have to keep defending their positions and I don't see why those who post in the Progressive Media Group can't avail themselves likewise.
(21,115 posts)truth2power
(8,219 posts)Thanks for playing.
(21,115 posts)you're welcome...
(4,452 posts)The OP was just pointing out that events are not always as presented by the US government or media. There has been much done by the US government and the EU to instigate a confrontation in Ukraine and that cannot be denied. I guess if you want to make that leap in defining "blame", then yes the US is partly to blame. The Ukrainian separatists who may have actually fired the missiles were just unwitting dupes.
I could go on all day on the subject but if you don't get my point from the above statements, I doubt it would be worth the effort to try and convince you.
(75,480 posts)a practice of this poster. Don't bother going on all day because you will find yourself being interpreted in all kinds of insane ways and accused of saying things you never said.
(4,452 posts)There are few subjects on DU where I am brave enough to venture into the fray. I consider myself a lightweight because I only started to revolt and inform myself in 2003. I find it quite curious that so many here over the last few years that so many posters will support ideas or actions that cannot be supported by factual evidence. There are some posters that I don't even have to read the subject line to know what perception they wish to present or reinforce.
I appreciate the open nature of this forum and rely on it mostly for news and viewpoints that I may not have been exposed to before.
What really frosts me is that I hold back from commenting because I will be torn down in the most unflattering ways for even having an opinion.
Edit: I will remember the troll in this thread and take their comments with the appropriate pound of salt.
(21,115 posts)coming from this poster I take that as a badge of honor!
(4,452 posts)Don't you know you can never question the actions or motives of the Great United States of Amnesia?
(21,115 posts)navarth
(5,927 posts)l'll be sure to check those sites.