America Strong: Stranger Raises $35k for Exonerated Prisoner
When Alex Sutaru heard the story of Jonathan Fleming, a Brooklyn man exonerated after doing nearly 25 years in a New York prison for a murder he didn’t commit, he knew he had to act.
“This is somebody that wasn’t guilty of a crime; he was wrongfully convicted,” Sutaru said. “After the hell he’s been through for the past 24 years he came out with a positive attitude and said he wants to live the rest of his life, go to school, be positive and today’s the first day of the rest of my life.”
Fleming had been freed three weeks ago by a key piece of evidence — a phone receipt in the case files all along that put him at Walt Disney World with his children when the murder was committed in New York.
Though his release was astounding and a long time coming, Fleming was returned with no home, no job and no money.
“I had about $93 in my account so that’s all I was given when I got out of prison, $93,” Fleming said. “I’m living from house to house with my cousins.”
Amazingly, even after all of the hardship he endured, he expressed not one ounce of resentment.
I find forgiveness in a man so wrongly treated as admirable. I really don't know if the situation was about me if I would be so forgiving. If I am saying that Mr. Fleming has a better disposition on things than I; that may be so. All I can say Is 'Good luck to this man'.