NRA vs. Texas Open Carry. Attention must be paid.
Personally, I think this is a historic development in the gun rights debate, and a good development, at long last. Check out the threads in LBN and GD concerning what's going on.

(6,650 posts)hilarious as they are totally responsible for these idiots. ALL Second Amendment absolutists and NRA extremists have an in-your-face attitude about their precious guns, and never miss an opportunity to display their arrogance about it.
This OC madness is just an extension of the hard core cold-dead-hands mantra of "I have a gun, and you can't do any fucking thing about it, so deal with it." It is exactly this attitude and arrogant stance that makes the "guns everywhere" crowd so despised and ridiculed by the majority of Americans, cartoonists, prominent writers, and almost all news outlets (except Faux News, of course).
The various grass roots gun control organizations are reaping the PR rewards of this outrageous display of assholery by the Texas OC clowns, and it will carry over to the NRA and its bought-and-paid-for politicians.
(29,692 posts)I guess they were afraid of missing out on annual dues payments by pissed-off open carriers. It figures.
(6,650 posts)backpeddling now -- they own the Texas OC idiots just as much as they own Ted "shit-my-pants" Nugent.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)paladin: The NRA has walked back their criticism of open carry, to a degree. I guess they were afraid of missing out on annual dues payments by pissed-off open carriers. It figures
Your tailing is spot on, nra afraid it might burgeon: Huffington Post reported that Open Carry Texas then released a statement of its own saying its members were already cutting their NRA membership cards in half.
The open carry criticism was evidently the opinion of just one nra writer, accd'g to one source I saw on rkba; I wonder if he's fired now? they retain Ted 'Hillary is a c*nt/b*' Nugent on bd of directors, while cancelling support for one writer voicing reasonable concerns over a few tea party macho men.
What an nra bonehead, eh? ... sh**ing in the nra nest; er, pigsty.
It shouldnt have happened, NRA {gunprick} Cox said... Ive had a discussion with the staffer who wrote that piece, and expressed his personal opinion. Our job is not to criticize the lawful behavior of fellow gun owners.
Coxs apologetic remarks followed threats by members of Open Carry Texas in response the NRAs statement, which criticized the groups practice of gathering in public places while carrying assault rifles or other long firearms to protest the state ban on carrying handguns openly.
.. the NRAs original post read.. Not only is it rare, its downright weird and certainly not a practical way to go normally about your business while being prepared to defend yourself. To those who are not acquainted with the dubious practice of using public displays of firearms as a means to draw attention to oneself or ones cause, it can be downright scary.
No no no - no criticism of 'lawful' gun owners by the nra, until the lawful gun owners illicitly shoot the gun when they SUDDENLY become unlawful gun owners who shouldn't have had guns in the first place, and the batf or cops or mayor bloomburg was to blame, and people need more guns to protect themselves from this type of unlawful gun owner. Circular reasoning at it's finest from nra.
.... and once the unlawful gun owner serves his prison sentence, or plea bargains, or is acquitted on a technicality, the nra works HARD to get him his gun rights restored, so he can buy more & more guns to his heart's desire, & they send him an invitation to join the nra for the paltry fee of $25 per year.
(unless he was convicted of a violent crime of assault, murder, robb, or rape, an excon can get his alleged gun rights restored thanks to the nra & fopa1986).
All too true...
(30 posts)Regardless of their intent or motivation, are actually motivating previously indifferent people to get involved to stop the behavior. Here in California, open carry (unloaded) had been legal forever, until recently, when a bunch of open carry "activists" scared and annoyed people and caused a backlash that got all open carry banned here. (With certain minor exceptions like while actively hunting.) They are not shifting public opinion in their favor at all with these stunts. Even a lot of people who are generally pro-gun think these guys are fringe lunatic nitwits.
(29,692 posts)And the NRA's craven retreat on the issue was disappointing, even to those of us who don't expect anything positive from the NRA. In any case, you're right about the corrosive effect of open carry on the gun rights movement---some of the clearer thinkers realize that it's a public opinion nightmare for them and want their people to stop doing it, but the real diehards will never quit supporting it, because freedom. I think it's inevitable that something bad is going to have to happen at one of these open carry demonstrations before sane thinking prevails. Meanwhile, we need to take advantage of all the negative publicity that open carry is creating in the general public.
(6,650 posts)on a banned gun troll, but he seemed nice...