Do guards in schools work to prevent shootings?
For mass shootings more broadly, theres evidence that unarmed bystanders have stopped more attacks in these early minutes than armed people. Researchers from ALERRT analyzed 249 shootings between 2000 and 2021 that ended before police arrived. Most ended with the shooter fleeing the scene or dying by suicide, but bystanders subdued the shooter without guns nearly twice as often (42 cases) as a bystander who shot them (22 cases).
Everytime there is a school shooting the pro gun side calls for armed guards in schools to stop that "bad guy with a gun". When will the data and the science make a dent in the "guns make us safe" mentality? There are also other detrimental effects brought on by the presence of armed guards in schools like the paranoia it inspires in the children. The article is a pretty good read.
The next move is to "harden the schools", to make it harder to get into. That shows a better outcome but is not without it's downside. Along with the feeling of being incarcerated there is the fact that between 2014 and 2019 there were 3,230 fires in public schools (K-12). If it's harder to get in it's harder to get out.
It seems the flaw in our approach to gun violence is react instead of prevent. The pro gun side advocates severe punishment AFTER someone is guilty of a shooting.
Gun violence can be reduced. Period. It takes only the will among our legislators to do it. Things like permit to purchase, enhanced background checks (including interviews with family and employers and social media) and covering the most lethal firearms with the National Firearms Act.
The vast majority of Americans want more gun regulation. It's the gun makers and their lobby (the NSF) that don't.

(50,579 posts)Entrances are locked and visitors are buzzed in and asked for identification.
But the doors are still vulnerable to an AK-15, if not the locks, then the glass in those doors.
I see the guards carry pistols but if an attack was in another part of the school, on another floor, I don't see how one guard is prepared to "neutralize" a shooter in even a timely manner.
(14,559 posts)a similar plastic/polymer that is energy absorbing which makes it effectively bulletproof even against rifles. However one guard can never be everywhere so your point is well taken.
The other argument for guns in schools is that it is a deterrent. That is also fallacious as such a large portion of school shooters are suicidal and may be attracted to schools with an armed guard.
(21,320 posts)where the guard ran off and hid.
I forget where, and I dont feel like digging it up right now. Maybe later.
(14,559 posts)At Uvalde the 50 or so police that were on scene wouldn't take action because one of them said, "He's got an AR-15!".