First, they lost their children. Then the conspiracy theories started. Now, the parents of Newtown a
Source: Washington Post
By Susan Svrluga July 8 at 4:57 PM
It was just weeks after 26 people were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School when Lenny Pozner first saw people speculating online that the rampage had been staged, with crisis actors responding to a fake attack.
His 6-year-old son, Noah Pozner, who had gone to school that morning in a Batman sweatshirt, was one of the 20 children killed in Newtown, Conn., in 2012.
Before the funerals had even concluded, an online conspiracy theory made targets of grieving family members. Strangers hurled insults at Pozner, asking how much he got paid to play his part in the government-sponsored hoax. They used photos of his son, with his tousled brown hair and round cheeks, on websites claiming the shooting was faked to generate urgency for gun-control laws. Then came the death threats.
To combat the hoaxers, he has used earnest pleas, official complaints, rhetoric, lawsuits. He and volunteers from the HONR Network, a nonprofit organization he founded to combat the harassment, have challenged targets obscure and gargantuan, from lone conspiracy theorists to companies as powerful as Google.
Increasingly, families of others killed at Sandy Hook have started fighting back publicly. Relatives and prosecutors have brought at least nine cases against hoaxers, according to an attorney for a group of plaintiffs, including three in Connecticut consolidated by the court. In recent months, family members have started seeing real gains in a fight most were reluctant to wage.
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flamin lib
(14,559 posts)Infowars isn't carding very well and neither is Remington or a couple of gun sellers.
Can you imagine the strength it takes to go to court over this kind of thing while greiving for a child?
(4,192 posts)the cruel stupidity of these idiotic republicans, I don't know what I'd do. Losing a child is probably the worst thing any parent can imagine. And then to have a bunch of gun-nut, low-life assholes calling it a hoax and using pictures of the's beyond the pale. I hope justice comes their way swiftly. These parents have suffered too much.
(26,331 posts)I completely do not understand conspiracy theorists and those who deny well documented events. To taunt these parents is depravity at its worst.
(6,650 posts)are the same as those right-wingers who believe (and repeat) Trump's lies and distortions. From Obama's birth certificate, to the WTC conspiracy ugliness, to Sandy Hook deniers, the Republican propaganda machine never sleeps -- especially Trump's early morning hour hate-filled and fact-challenged rampage tweets.
These idiots are what Trump calls "good people both sides."
mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)These are Americans who have no morals, no values, no intelligence and no humanity.. in other words, trumpers.
(37 posts)Alex Jones is taking a big hit due to his loss of a platform to preach his hate. Others who have threatened Sandy Hook victim's families are also in legal trouble.