Brian Isaack Clyde
In a post on DU someone was defending "Gun Nuts" as people that we need to compromise with in order to win them over. First of all, not all gun owners are gun nuts, and many (I would estimate a majority of) gun owners share our views of sensible gun control. The gun nuts, on the other hand, view any form of public safety legislation as a personal attack and threaten violence in response. Sometimes those threats become actions, and far too many gun nuts make the news after taking far too many innocent lives.
Brian Isaack Clyde, who authorities confirmed was the gunman, served in the Army for two years. Soldiers who served with Clyde said he came from a family of military veterans and often participated in war re-enactments.
Clyde was photographed with a large knife and multiple high-capacity magazines fastened to a belt as he opened fire on the federal building before 9 a.m. Monday.
"I don't know how much longer I have, but the [expletive] storm is coming. However, I'm not without defense," he says in the video, holding up what appears to be a rifle wrapped with duct tape. "[Expletive] ready. Let's do it."
In another part of the article, a telling insight into the compensation factor of gun nuttery is revealed: "One meme he shared referred to a Chad rampage vs. a virgin shooting the Chad vs. virgin trope is a common incel meme, which is short for involuntary celibate. The meme contrasted how two men a "Chad" and a "virgin" would go about carrying out a shooting."
The Second Amendment was not written for, and does not protect, the rights of a sociopath to own a gun. Yet many do because the NRA and other organizations that represent gun manufacturers (death merchants) openly buy corrupt politicians with blood money for profits and greed.

flamin lib
(14,559 posts)shooters. Yet to suggest that guns might be linked to an insecurity regarding sex is met with howls of victimazetion and cries of personal affront.
Face it, a small flacid penis is directly linked to the extreme gun rights nuts.
(6,650 posts)of a MAGA-hat wearing, tobaccy chewing, good ole boy with an AR-15 in the back of a pick-em-up truck shooting at stop signs and screaming that the God-given Second Amendment gives him the right to be an asshole (as he wonders why he can't get a date).
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)bill not all gun owners are gun nuts, and many (I would estimate a majority of) gun owners share our views of sensible gun control. The gun nuts, on the other hand, view any form of public safety legislation as a personal attack and threaten violence in response
That is also largely known as right wing cretinism in my book, from days past.
Right wing cretinism only affects maybe 5 to 15% of the republican party, yet many of its perverted views which start as a trickle, gain strength by osmosis slowly insidiously till the perversion becomes acceptable, or at least not unacceptable, to most all of the republican party. Case in point trump, king of right wing cretinism.
(Not saying that republicans support this shooters views & actions)
(6,650 posts)I agree that Republicans as a whole are subject to the herd mentality even when they know the ideology/lie/absurdity they follow is wrong. I believe a term for this behavior is "cognitive dissonance," but right wing cretinism works for me.