Nearly 1 in 10 Americans have severe anger issues and access to guns
Roughly 22 million Americans -- 8.9 percent of the adult population-- have impulsive anger issues and easy access to guns. 3.7 million of these angry gun owners routinely carry their guns in public. And very few of them are subject to current mental health-based gun ownership restrictions.
Those are the key findings of a new study by researchers from Harvard, Columbia and Duke University. "Anger," in this study, doesn't simply mean garden-variety aggravation. It means explosive, uncontrollable rage, as measured by responses to the National Comorbidity Survey Replication in the early 2000s. It is "impulsive, out of control, destructive, harmful," lead author Jeffrey Swanson of Duke University said in an interview. "You and I might shout. These individuals break and smash things and get into physical fights, punch someone in the nose."
Angry people with guns are typically young or middle-aged men, according to Swanson's research. They're likely to be married, and to live in suburban areas. In a recent op-ed, Swanson and a co-author point to Craig Stephen Hicks, a North Carolina man who "had frightened neighbors with his rages and had a cache of fourteen firearms" and who shot three Muslim students earlier this year, as a quintessential example of an enraged gun owner.
"To have gun violence you need two things: a gun and a dangerous person," Swanson says. "We can't broadly limit legal access to guns, so we have to focus on the dangerous people." Taken at face value this isn't a controversial claim. After all, guns don't kill people, people kill people, as gun rights advocates are fond of saying.
A relevant quote from the linked article: "Other research has shown that people with a single prior misdemeanor conviction are "nearly 5 times as likely as those with no prior criminal history to be charged with new offenses involving firearms or violence."
Alcoholics, wife-beaters, dog-kickers, road-ragers, and other anti-social types have absolutely no problem passing a background check under the current guidelines. When these types of people are allowed to have guns, carry them in public, AND stand their ground against perceived "threats," innocent citizens are placed in harm's way.
Expanded background checks to include local police departments needs to be implemented in order to identify social misfits even though they have no criminal record. This type of investigation is a pre-hire requirement for many government positions, and other sensitive jobs. The bar should be just as high for carrying a gun in the public venue.
Along with this scrutiny, carrying an unlicensed gun in the public venue should carry stiff penalties, and strict enforcement should be a top priority for all police agencies.

Not Ruth
(3,613 posts)How many Americans have anger issues?
How many Americans have access to guns?
The takeaway would be that an enormous percentage of young or middle aged men are in one of those groups.
Males are half of the population. 18-55 years olds are half of that
If 25-30% of the population is a young to middle aged man, and the bulk of the dangerous people come from them, that implies a problem with society and genetics.
(6,650 posts)between common anger issues and impulsive anger issues. Almost everyone has a level of anger issues, but most manage to keep it in check. We're talking about those out-of-control people who are prone to fits of road-rage, and other uncontrollable displays of anger.
The latter group has absolutely no business owning or carrying a gun.
ginny skinny
(182 posts)Yes, I am a 2nd amendment supporting Democrat.
(6,650 posts)and bub bye...
(35,080 posts)I hope you seek and get help for your psych problems.
(54,770 posts)Same for collecting a load of guns and practicing to shoot people.
(6,650 posts)of the KKK rally in Virginia today, and there are the perfect examples of angry, paranoid people who are filled with hate, and who definitely should not be allowed to have guns.