New UC Davis Center To Research Gun Violence
Dr. Garen Wintemute, an emergency medical physician and authority in the field of firearm violence research, will direct the center. Funding for violence prevention research is crucial now, as we have a lot of catching up to do, Wintemute said, citing a two-decade long moratorium on funding firearm research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Lack of a federal funding stream has prevented a full understanding of the root causes of violence and effective approaches to contain it. We are thrilled that UC Davis will be the lead campus for the new center. Firearm violence is a major problem, and were ready to get to work, Wintemute said.
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UC President Janet Napolitano said the center demonstrates great leadership by the state and presents a unique opportunity for the university to research the issue. Napolitano said other campuses will contribute to the gun violence research effort.
Another win against the right-wing gun lobby and the Libertarian/Republicans, and their "cold-dead-head-up-their-ass" resistance to anything which has the potential to identify easy access to guns as a contributing factor to the gun violence epidemic in this country.

flamin lib
(14,559 posts)control.
I guess they are supposed to research the subject and keep any conclusions secret. Like researching vaccination programs and not recommending that they be funded. Makes perfect sense to the gun rights group.
(6,650 posts)about there not being a "ban" on gun violence research and think that if they were being honest they should just say: "There is a ban on any "meaningful" research about gun violence."
Hopefully, the UC Davis group will address such issues as warning labels, enhanced safety design features, safe storage legislation, and "child proofing" guns. The safety regulation of dangerous consumer items is a long-standing practice in this country -- except for the right-wing gun lobby's precious money-maker.
(1,265 posts) long as they unconditionally support Christianity as the only true one.