'Pledge To Defeat Any Politician Using Covid To Attack Social Security' Operation Eternal Vengeance
- 'Operation Eternal Vengeance: We Pledge to Defeat Any Politician Who Uses Covid-19 to Attack Social Security.'- We will defeat every attack on our Social Security, every single time. But special emphasis will be given to any lawmaker who attempts to do so under the cover of this deadly pandemic. By Alex Lawson, Social Security Works. July 29, 2020.
For most of us, Covid-19 is a devastating crisis. But for some politicians in Washington, D.C. and their Wall Street backers, it's an opportunity. They are trying to use the pandemic to cut our Social Security and Medicare benefits behind closed doors, using a bill with an Orwellian namethe TRUST Act.
- "Attaching the TRUST Act to crisis legislation is the most evil part of this. Those pushing the TRUST Act understand that if their bill was simply given a normal up or down vote, supporters of Social Security and Medicare could easily defeat it. That's why they're trying to sneak it through in unrelated crisis legislation." -
The TRUST Act creates a closed-door committee to fast-track cuts to our earned benefits. And now, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have put the bill on a fast-track of its own by including it in the Republican Covid-19 package known as the HEALS Act. These politicians, who are plotting to use this public health crisis as a vehicle to ram through cuts to our earned benefits, are scum. The American people will never forget that they used the worst global emergency of modern times to try and steal our Social Security and Medicare. We will never forgive them for this, and will dedicate our resources to defeating them wherever they are.
Most of the politicians pushing this evil plan are Republicans. Prominent Democrats are speaking out against it, including Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee and lead Senate negotiator on the relief packages. Wyden minces no words about the Trust Act:...
* Social Security Works, Website ,https://socialsecurityworks.org/

(308,408 posts)notinkansas
(1,194 posts)This is unspeakably vile.
Democrats should be mindful of the repub concern for the debt and claw back that tax giveaway next year. Maybe include dubya's tax giveaway in that move also.
(24,006 posts)... is pure evil and should be defeated.