What's Your Purpose? Finding A Sense Of Meaning In Life Is Linked To Health
Having a purpose in life may decrease your risk of dying early, according to a study published Friday.
Researchers analyzed data from nearly 7,000 American adults between the ages of 51 and 61 who filled out psychological questionnaires on the relationship between mortality and life purpose.
What they found shocked them, according to Celeste Leigh Pearce, one of the authors of the study published in JAMA Current Open.

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,556 posts)dweller
(25,963 posts)and now I'll post again ..
(7,309 posts)Usually furry little critters. I am the quintessential bleeding heart liberal. I like that about myself.
(13,966 posts)And I just can come up with any purpose for me.
Maybe I'm just depressed.
(39,379 posts)We're all on the road to nowhere. Get over it. We all have different ways of coping with that, some better, some worse.
Many people choose some "purpose" they can define, but they shouldn't demand that of everyone. Quit telling the aimless they're somehow "lost" or "broken." Instead *show them* how life is beautiful. Share the miracles you've found.
Maybe my purpose is to wander aimlessly through life enjoying and sharing the miracles each day brings. It might be as mundane as letting the dogs out to pee, or as glorious as watching my own children, nephews, and nieces grow up and become amazing young adults.