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(72,174 posts)do you have someone to talk to? someone that could keep an eye on your mood?
sometimes watching your own brain can be hard.
radical noodle
(9,558 posts)and had no side effects other than feeling more energetic.
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,349 posts)Nothing like that side effect. My SIL is also taking it nothing like that. All it takes is one person to have a bad side effect and it must be listed. That's right from my doctor. I'm on numerous heart meds and some have the same side effect noted. But as always watch your self and ask your doctor if you are worried the side effect is effecting you. Effecting-affecting. Please pick the correct one. Lol
(12,344 posts)If you experience any suicidal thoughts or an increase in anxiety or agitation, call your doctor immediately or go to an emergency room.
(62,584 posts)Celexa, Lexapro, etc give me cycles of drowsiness during the day, even though they give me energy earlier, and they messed with my libido. I could take them later in the day, but I was less likely to remember to take them later. I haven't had any side effects that I've noticed from bupropion. I've never tried zoloft or paxil or prozac (anti-anxiety and/or anti-depressants).
All anti-depressants that I've read about list "suicidal thoughts" as a side effect.
As a person who is getting older, my slightly more frequent thoughts of death are most likely to be part of going through normal life stages of development, according to my dr.
Good luck with this trial!
(54,732 posts)a peculiar aspect of improving your mood and giving you more energy is that, in rare cases, that might just be the missing ingredients in a suicide attempt.
depressed people sometimes *don't* attempt suicide because the depression itself lowers the motivation to do anything, including attempting suicide. take a medication that helps give you motivation before it removes the dark cloud can end poorly.
that said, if you're not depressed and are taking the medication for something else (dementia in your case, smoking cessation in my wife's) then it shouldn't be an issue.
that said, i'm not a doctor, so please do get "official" confirmation.
(34,195 posts)Remember, I said I have some problem with memory.
And now that I think of it,
it seems most of the talk about suicidal thoughts referenced young adults.
So as I am to begin at one a day, I'll give it a try.
Again, thanks!
Corvo Bianco
(1,148 posts)It was a very exciting drug at first--you're moving furniture, you're not eating, you're intensely focused... for a week. But a meth-mind isn't sustainable, and in my opinion it is very dangerous to anybody who has a tendency toward rumination. I had multiple fits of high-energy fright during my couple months on Welbutrin, the worst drug-induced psychic experiences of my life.
If you have absolutely no mood disorders or mental health concerns, it may be less dangerous in that regard. It's great for dropping ten pounds in a week. And focusing for a week. Very unnatural highs, but they're highs. After the "Fresh drug in the system" week I was never focused--just strung out and freaked out.
I am disheartened that a powerful mind-altering drug with significant potential of dangerous side effects is being prescribed for a dozen off-label uses.
BUT, I can't say you "SHOULDN'T TRY IT!", god forbid if it's exactly the solution for you. If you are uncomfortable with a substance dramatically altering your mood or if you are unsure about synthetic methamphetamines then this might not be your cup of tea.
If you DO try it, there is an opportunity in the first month to determine whether it's doing any damage to you psychologically. Pay attention though--don't end up a year down the road wondering why everything feels like a nightmare when you could have just quit the Welbutrin early on (if it goes that way).
I'll be curious to know what ends up working for you, we all have memories to preserve. Good luck
(31,745 posts)I broke out in a huge, swollen rash on my arms and legs. My ears rang loudly. When I ate, I was very sensitive to textures, not just of food, but of the utensils, plates, cups, etc. It was a nightmare.
If it helps some others, good. The side effects were terrible for me.
(34,195 posts)I start at 100 once a day and go to 100 twice a day after 5 days.
(31,745 posts)But if it works for you, I am happy for you. Good luck!
(34,195 posts)My ex is on a synthetic methamphetamine, and has been for a couple decades, for attention deficit disorder,
needing special permission periodically from the government to have it prescribed by the shrink.
(34,195 posts)She said the warnings about suicidal thoughts and seizures are targeted more to teens and young adults.
I'm 71.
She said I should be aware of any changes in mood, but did not specify.
Years ago I was on Prednisone and it made me bitchy,
so my friends said.
(39,379 posts)That makes the ride back up into functionality dangerous, passing through the suicidal thoughts stage, from the utter emptiness of the "why even bother to die?" stage.
I've experienced the "why even bother to die" stage. I stop eating and become Running Bleeding Bare Foot Skeleton Man. It's my super power. It sucks. I'd rather have been bitten by a radioactive spider. Spiderman, spiderman...
For me Bupropion has been mild compared to some of the meds I've been prescribed. But your mileage may vary. It's not science yet. You just have to hang in there until something works. My current meds are not ideal, but as always they are better than the alternative.
(34,195 posts)Caused my feet to swell up (edema).
I told my doc I didn't want any more antidepressants.
(39,379 posts)But I've learned by school of hard knocks to tolerate side effects.
Maybe my least favorite psych med's side effect was anorgasmia. Thankfully I don't take that med any more. It was a med whose effectiveness faded in me. But I might have been very popular with the ladies, in spite of that four hour erection warning those Viagra guys get...
(34,195 posts)I think I had that during my 'hippie daze' (late 60s - mid-70s) when experimenting with some powdered chemicals.
It was an interesting way to spend a few hours, after which we were exhausted.
(39,379 posts)... all I have to do is quit my meds.
Or have my meds fade on me.
Cold War Spook
(1,279 posts)Of course this was after she looked at the results of your MRI. What type of dementia were you told you had? I am 75 years old. I have vascular dementia which is caused by very minute strokes you can't feel but kill brain cells. My neurologist waited until he saw my MRI results. They also think I have Parkinson's Disease Dementia which is very possible since I was diagnosed with PD in 2005. I am on Bupropion with no side affects.
(34,195 posts)yes
Cold War Spook
(1,279 posts)Did she say it was vascular dementia, mine has gotten progressively worse for the last 5 years. If you want to discuss it fine. If not, that is fine also. All the best to you.