DU Community Help
Related: About this forumI read a thread wrong and alerted on it. I thought
https://www.democraticunderground.com/100219786740the poster was saying Clyburn wanted Biden to pardon Hunter. Instead it was Trump Clyburn said he would support Biden in pardonning.
Any way to undo an Alert?

(17,012 posts)If you were wrong, others will decide so.
And if you were accidentally right then you accidentally did a good.
No biggie either way.
Silent Type
(8,633 posts)Ive alerted once, when I woke up an thought better of a post I made.
(13,427 posts)and often give something a second 'think' before pulling the trigger.
But I absolutely WILL alert on stuff that I think is deserving. And I consider that a service (in at least helping) in keeping this site from becoming the awful dumpster fire that others devolve into. Every site needs policing - so brava for the jury panels! Go ahead and alert - judiciously - when it seems warranted.
Silent Type
(8,633 posts)Considering most GOPers get removed by MIRT, I'm surprised at the number of unnecessary alerts and jury duty. The rules are good. The petty alerts for disagreements are not good.
(2,434 posts)on a town in Texas that banned fracking and then the state legislature came back and said that localities could not ban fracking (small government, lol).
In the message there was a link that I could have used to contest the supposed violation. I didn't, I just figured that if several people thought that I was "peddling right wing talking points" that I would just keep my mouth shut. And I did for several months.
The point is, if the poster on whom you alerted actually receives a censure they can contest it.
(35,080 posts)PM me and let me know of an alert. That was very nice I thought.
(31,745 posts)very publicly, that I had alerted wrongly. I apologized right away. It was such a screwy alert that everyone saw that it was a mistake. The post stayed.
Don't be too embarrassed. It happens.