DU Community Help
Related: About this forumWhy I still post Tweets
Why do I still post Tweets? There's still a contingent of Liberal sources, govt entities and Democratic politicians that are still using the platform. I've managed to isolate those sources to the point it's still a useful news aggregate to me, as long as you know how to navigate it and "mine" the good stuff from it.
My DU tweet posting takes into account what could be used by "X" (and Elmo) as a "click" or "engagement" (which he can use to lure advertisers to the platform). I've modified my habits as to what tweets I will post to DU. I go by this general rule: if a click inside a tweet "redirects" you from DU to "X", I won't post the tweet (there are several tweets that exhibit that behavior, like a linked tweet with an embedded video that resides inside another tweet - clicking the embedded video inside the linked tweet will re-direct you to "X" and count as a "click" for Elmo).
Also, clicking the "Show more" link often seen in a longer tweet will re-direct you to "X" so I transcribe all live tweets to include all of its content (so no clicking of the tweet - and a re-direction off of DU and onto "X" - is needed).
Linked pictures within a tweet often do not completely show in a tweet linked into DU - I will copy those to am image hosting site and then link the image directly into DU, preventing another "click" from reaching "X".
Overall general rule: If a link/video/picture within a tweet redirects you to "X", I will copy that content out of the tweet and transcribe it into a DU post, so the user is never redirected to "X".
At this point, I only post tweets for Liberal, News Media or Government content and to provide video content that might not be available on YouTube. Clicking an embedded video inside a single (not linked) tweet will NOT re-direct you to "X". It plays safely on DU.
Although it dwindles with every change to the platform Elmo makes, there's still value in what's left, and until that becomes nil, my goal is to keep DUers off the X platform as much as I can by these little tricks I've discovered. Once a workable substitute becomes available (Threads is promising, but displaying them on DU is still tricky), I will continue to mine Twitter for what worthwhile content is left.
I do this because I love DU and still want to participate on it, despite being handicapped (I have Parkinson's disease which makes it hard to type). Posting useful, relevant tweets allows me to use copy/paste/link/hot keys, etc. so I can still participate.
I know, tl;dr but I just wanted to put this out there and is not meant to influence others tweet-posting habits. YMMV...

Silent Type
(8,632 posts)such responses, then I'd be ticked.
(159,697 posts)usonian
(16,392 posts)Yes, extra work.
Or radically alter it on the desktop computer. ( I got my artistic license renewed)
Thanks for being so thoughtful.
Muck Fusk.
Dennis Donovan
(29,637 posts)...to consume it. Like I said, there's a LOT of valuable video content still hosted on the site that doesn't always make it to YouTube. Depending of the construction of the tweet (i,e, if the video is embedded in a linked tweet - clicking it will bring you off of DU and on to "X" .
My goal is to bring the worthwhile content that still resides on Twitter to DU and present it in a way that keeps the DUer on DU and off of "X".
No "X" clicks = no clicks for Elmo = nothing to use to lure advertisers to his platform.
(39,213 posts)
Dennis Donovan
(29,637 posts)Clicking it will still bring you to "X".
Mister Ed
(6,501 posts)BeyondGeography
(40,321 posts)Walz and Kamala HQ use the platform multiple times a day. My answer to anyone equates posting a tweet with being a dupe for Elon Musk.
(54,666 posts)JoseBalow
(6,957 posts)
Dennis Donovan
(29,637 posts)I do everything I can to bring what useful content is still on Twitter to DU and make it so the DUer doesn't have to go to "X" to get that useful content.
Block away! The worthwhile stuff is still making it thru without rewarding Elmo.
(6,957 posts)I also wish we could embed TikTok videos directly here, like we can YouTube videos and tweets. I see many twitter posts that are nothing but TikTok videos, it would be nice to be able to cut out the Nazi middleman.
(308,423 posts)So much Fighting For Democracy Positive Info on them... I call it Twitter Underground.
And, I can read them better than other sources.
Please Carry On.
(35,823 posts)You are one of them.
Dennis Donovan
(29,637 posts)I do my best to mine what's left of the good side of Twitter.
(35,823 posts)Fairly newsy, as well. For what counts as news these days
As an aside, I am not absolutely sure it counts as a Twitter click when each of us views a Tweet on DU without clicking on the Tweet itself. I guess thats a question for the Admins.