DU Community Help
Related: About this forumIs it possible to have a "friends" or meetup forum?
I've given up for the most part local. Had several bad interactions on reddit and meetup. Is it possible to have a forum for ppl looking for ppl on DU to talk to, share similar interests, PM? Maybe meet up or visit if they want? I have interacted with some homebound DUers, and it would be nice to have some communication, even online. Share phone numbers if they want. TIA

(38,623 posts)
(15,568 posts)Reddit MAN (I asked for female) asked me did I really want a lunch buddy, and that the word lunch is code word for swingers.. I'm done with Reddit.
(38,623 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,568 posts)It seemed to me the meaning of whom I was looking for was pretty clear, to me. Theres a sex group and I wasn't in there.
Then, a MAN reached out and he too was looking for a sex partner. His was so obscene I blocked him. Lots of Trumpers here, too.
(3,813 posts)I once participated in a Reddit old-car thread. I followed posts in a Reddit thread when a sensational homicide case was in the news. I never thought to look for a friend on Reddit. I enjoy posting on DU more than I do on Fb. Once in a while, I will post a comment to a story on Yahoo News.
(15,568 posts)I met a woman 8 mos ago, we went to the beach twice, I explained my driving situation (unreliable car) she said no problem, she loves driving, she drives all over. Then it became a problem. Id check in on her every few days. She never once checked in on me. One time. Shed call every now and then and rant her problems to me
Then Tue she called me an enabler
(3,813 posts)I work part-time. Budgeting my available time and energy prevents my from seeking out an in-person friend at this time. I enjoy interacting with DU acquaintances via posts and, sometimes, through DU mail. You have my best wishes in your search for an activity partner.
(15,568 posts)Id hope we can add a friends' forum here. At least I won't get a MAGA nut here
(9,614 posts)yellowdogintexas
(23,104 posts)Long ago the DFW DUfolks had meetups for dinner occasionally. That sort of dwindled off - we lost 4 people to relocation that I know of
I had good luck with Meetup though. Found a Liberal Ladies Who Lunch group and we get together monthly at our favorite burger place. We have a book club, a movie group and a breakfast group. Occasionally we will attend a special event together.
Also, search around for local Democratic Grass Roots Clubs in your area. Here we have 7 large Democratic Clubs and a couple of other small ones. Your County Democratic office should have info on that. I met most of my Democratic friends at our Democratic Woman's Club and the Meetup group.
(15,568 posts)Thank you. The president of our local Democratic club yelled at me over a free room when I was working, so I avoid that group. Goes to show there are jerks in every group.
I've attemped meetups in my state forum, unsuccessfully sadly. I've also posted in local meet-up groups, and my posts are being reviwed b4 posting in one group forever. The other group okayed me but, when I post, my posts don't show up.
I'm asking this because Id like to interact with other DU ers maybe looking for someone to communicate with if theyre lonely , exchange phone numbers etc.
Thanks for responding
(4,128 posts)Make a plan to meet somewhere, with bad weather plans too. Post a thread here and see if you get any bites.
is a new alternative to meetup as they got bought by a less reputable firm.