DU Community Help
Related: About this forumIs DU gonna have members sign a TOS to support our presidential candidate?
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Omaha Steve (a host of the DU Community Help forum).
There is too much anti-Biden stuff in discussion threads.

(2,460 posts)And repeat an oath or something
(32,761 posts)A bunch of /Green Party/Putin supporters left and started another forum.
(2,460 posts)No real democrat is going to support this kind of autocratic suggestion. Just hush. No one here is supporting anyone but Biden anyway, but even if they were you cant control them this way. This is just drama drama drama.
(32,761 posts)AkFemDem
(2,460 posts)I never had to pledge to jack shit. Are you TRYING to make the admin here look as if they force votes a certain way? Seriously- is the an attempt at sowing seeds of mistrust?
(32,761 posts)LeftInTX
(32,761 posts)I'm not asking you!!! I'm asking the mods.
(108,532 posts)that a TOS agreement was sent via DUmail to all DUers in 2016 or any other time. When you register, you agree to a linked TOS. If some received a DU mail copy of the TOS in 2016 it is possible they were among those the admins purposely sought to remind during the overheated primaries-- the latter which did lead to a lot of posters being "PPRd" and/or leaving to Jackpine Radicals, I agree. But that was not the case for the entire membership.
There are no loyalty pledges just an agreement to post in a manner consistent with the site policies as laid out in the TOS that includes supporting Democrats. It doesn't say there can be no discussion of disagreements.
Oh, and there have not been "moderators" since the DU2 version of the website. (We currently are DU4). We have two administrators, including the owner and the lead programmer and we have the jury system. If you post something that does not fit with the published linked purpose of a given forum, your post could be locked by the major forum hosts (and by those of the smaller subscriber forums). Such locked threads do not typically involve any penalties to the poster unless a jury alert occurred concurrently and determined otherwise.
Additionally, the Malicious Intruder Team (MIRT) does special scrutiny of new posters (less than 100 posts) that supplement the work of juries.
I suspect you are expressing concern over the Gaza-related criticism of Biden. I'd agree that some do not clearly express support for Biden trying to both protect Gazan civilians while supporting Israel's right to self-defense against Hamas. But, you can only engage them in discussion to try to clarify their views-- if they make a terse, yet unclear comment that leads you to believe otherwise.
(3,379 posts)Maybe some of the JPR assholes got tos reminders when they were posting, but DU members as a whole did not receive any such thing in DU mail.
(70,833 posts)LeftInTX
(32,761 posts)Those who did not agree to support the Democratic nominee had their Posting Privileges Revoked and they started that Jackpine Radicals
(70,833 posts)LeftInTX
(32,761 posts)I don't know whether someone is a Democrat or not. Just because they're here, doesn't mean they're a Democrat.
(98,117 posts)MIRT will accelerate the process
(16,505 posts)I block them variously. And I see basically no Biden bashing.
Admins moved the discussion from a group to GD.
Statement of fact.
General Discussion: About this forum
Statement of Purpose
Discuss politics, issues, and current events. Posts about Israel/Palestine, religion, guns, showbiz, or sports are restricted in this forum.
(13,466 posts)feel free to use them if you feel it warranted. (or don't)
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(32,761 posts)When we had everyone sign the TOS in 2016, it just made feel better. Alot of people left and joined an anti-establishment site.
But I think it was the other admin's idea, but Skinner is gone.
I want to feel that they are here to support Democrats and that we have the goal of electing Democrats. I joined in October 2012 because I wanted Obama re-elected.
Biden has so many forces working against him. Besides Trump, there is the Green Party, RFK Jr, Cornel West, Party of Socialism and Liberation even those in his own party. We need all hands on deck. People were applauding protesters who crashed Biden, Obama's and Clinton's fundraiser in NYC. Even after I pointed out that the protesters were from a different political party, they still supported them. (They have their own presidential candidates, Claudia de la Cruz and the works...Party of Socialism and Liberation) I showed tweets from the Party of Socialism and Liberation, their presidential candidate and the videos of them crashing Biden's NYC fundraiser, they still supported them.
And it's hard to alert on a post and when all they say is "I support them", because that's all the post will say in the reply. A jury wouldn't do anything.
Think. Again.
(21,886 posts)...the discussion on that thread.
Is this the OP you are referring to?
(in case anyone is interested in reading it for themselves).
(32,761 posts)I was accused of not supporting the first amendment after I pointed out that the protesters were from a different political party. And then a subsequent post said they supported Democrats because Democrats support the first amendment.
Democrats do not support protesters from other political parties at campaign events. I'm sure the event in NYC was huge and don't know what happened with the protesters.
Big Blue Marble
(5,577 posts)Isn't that against DU rules? And for your information, I have been on DU since
2004 and have supported all Democratic Presidents with my dollars.. Since I originally agreed
to the TOS, I have never had to sign any loyalty oath. I do not know what
you are talking about. And really on a website, really, how meaningful would
that be.
I will alway support protests against the establishment whether it is union labor,
anti-racist, anti-war or anti-corporate. Their point is to be disruptive. It is one
of our most precious rights that have changed history over and over.
(32,761 posts)Since the new rules officially included our long-standing policy of support for the Democratic nominee after the primaries, along with new rules such as Dont keep fighting the last Democratic presidential primary, quite a few die-hards refused to click the button and instead went elsewhere. Their choice.
So in that regard, youre not wrong that people had to sign something it was an agreement to the entire rules package which was a significant change to our Terms of Service. And that package included a rule which formalized our policy that people must support the Democratic nominee after the primaries.
However, we aren't going to be signing anything this time because in 2016, the rules change was then and there has not been a rules change since 2016.
Big Blue Marble
(5,577 posts)disrupters as has happened in every other election cycle. Nothing more is needed.
(29,941 posts)Opinions Im free to challenge or appeal as they say.
Finally ya win some and ya lose some.
PS. You arent going to find non Biden voters on DU. Supporting anyone means supporting them even when they say or do something that disappoints you personally.
Think. Again.
(21,886 posts)....to review the TOS every now and then is a good idea.
(22,794 posts)Last edited Sat Mar 30, 2024, 10:35 AM - Edit history (1)
Democratic Underground has ALWAYS had a policy that once the Democratic presidential primaries are over and we have a nominee, members must support that nominee.
When there are competitive primaries, it is not uncommon for people to get extremely attached to their choice, and sometimes people will go so far as to say things along the lines of, If my candidate doesnt become the nominee, I wont vote.
During the primaries, we would often let that slide. But if youre still doing that AFTER the nominee has been decided, then youre just trolling. This is spelled out in the Support Democrats rule.
Now for the part that people are probably misremembering. From 2001-2011, we had a rules-based system, where the rules were enforced by moderators. Those rules were not the same rules we have today. In 2011, we switched to the Jury system, and at the same time, we got rid of all the rules.
The Jury system from 2011-2016 was a much more radical version of the system. The only guidance we gave was to tell members to use their own best judgment when deciding whether a post was appropriate for DU or not.
This kinda-sorta worked for five years, but it was chaotic as hell. The fact that it lasted so long probably had something to do with the fact that there was no competitive primary in 2012, when Obama ran unopposed.
The flaws in the system were completely exposed, however, during the highly competitive Sanders vs. Clinton 2016. Those primaries, and the emergence of the Bernie or bust movement, saw a dramatic upswing in the number of people who claimed that they would refuse to vote for Hillary if she won, which got worse as it became obvious that she was going to win, but Bernie wasnt dropping out.
We had observed that the free-for-all Jury system, which kinda-sorta worked in a chaotic way prior to the primaries, failed to work once members had drawn battle lines and divided themselves into two camps. Remember, at the time juries were not even anonymous! Everyone could see who was being alerted on, who was sending the alerts, and who was serving on the juries and how they voted. So it just became a partisan tool for members on both sides to smack each other.
We spent much of 2016 working on ways to reform the Jury system, and once the primaries were officially over we launched the new, reformed, rule-based system. The new system anonymized the process, and instead of asking members to simply decide whether a post was appropriate or not we asked them to decide whether a post violated one of the new rules. Those are the exact same rules we have today.
The rules-based system provided more guidance and incentive to good-faith actors and made it essentially impossible for disruptive people to wield the system as a weapon. However, since we were making a massive change to the Terms of Service, we needed to ask members to understand and accept that the rules had changed.
So when the big Jury overhaul happened following the primaries in 2016, everyone who signed in had to click a one-time button acknowledging that they had read and would abide by the new rules. We thought this was important not just because we wanted people to agree to the rules, but because the site hadnt even *had* rules for five years, so we wanted everyone to read and understand the new ones before posting.
Since the new rules officially included our long-standing policy of support for the Democratic nominee after the primaries, along with new rules such as Dont keep fighting the last Democratic presidential primary, quite a few die-hards refused to click the button and instead went elsewhere. Their choice.
So in that regard, youre not wrong that people had to sign something it was an agreement to the entire rules package which was a significant change to our Terms of Service. And that package included a rule which formalized our policy that people must support the Democratic nominee after the primaries.
But since 2016 the rules have remained the same, so theres no need for us to make everyone sign some kind of pledge. We certainly didnt do that in 2020, because nothing had changed the Support Democrats rule had been in force since 2016, and remains in force to this day.
What we continue to do is allow additional leeway for members to more forcefully attack Democrats during Primary Season which is normal and to be expected provided that everyone reins it in and joins forces again during General Election Season. In fact I made an announcement on that very subject a few weeks ago:
So I think theres a fair bit of half-remembering exactly what happened in 2016 going on in this thread, but hopefully this additional context will settle the debate.
(36,499 posts)They mean nothing in the seclusion of the voting booth.
(29,941 posts)I find this whole thread to be disruptive.