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Related: About this forumWhen I get all the text on the left side on the home page
If I scroll down where it says M/T/W/T/F TOONs, it'll show one of the TOONs, but when the home
page looks normal, no picture just words.

(22,762 posts)KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)This morning I scrolled down one of them just for grins and discovered my post "Tuesday TOONs"
had a cartoon showing (Putin dangling flattery in front of IQ4.5) but when I'm on the regular home
page all I see is the title and no cartoon picture. Anybody see a cartoon picture on the home
page below "Tuesday TOONs"?
BumRushDaShow (122,444 posts)
2. I'm running in "Skinner mode" on a laptop
Reply to KS Toronado (Original post)
Tue Dec 5, 2023, 12:37 PM
and only see your account name and a "Tuesday TOONS" header (no image(s) like I've seen before, although if you click on that header link, it takes you to a page with the images), which I thought was odd.
Hope this helps.
(22,762 posts)There is a bit of a rough hack in the code at that location which fixes a very specific layout problem. Unfortunately the fix relies on some code which may not work on older browsers -- it's going to work for most site visitors but I was waiting to see if it might cause a problem for anyone.
What kind of device/browser are you using currently? Are they both fully up to date? We'll have to take another look at this to see if we can fix it.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)EarlG
(22,762 posts)Is the problem still happening for you now? Unfortunately if it is, I might not be able to fix it, at least not at the moment. If you have an updated setup, which it sounds like you do, then images which are attached to items in the Featured Stories section should show up normally. However, it seems that's not happening for some people, but I haven't been able to figure out why yet.
The problem is that removing the code which is likely causing this issue will then introduce a different issue somewhere else, which would be a bigger problem than just leaving things as they are. There is a more permanent fix for this but it's going to require quite a bit of effort to solve this fairly small problem, which is why I've had to put it lower on the list of priorities for now. Hopefully if this is not something you've not noticed before, it will turn out to be a short-term glitch.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)Re: Until you're able to restart posting the daily toons
Sure, go ahead.
> Sun Dec 3, 2023, 02:56 PM (USA/ET)
> KS Toronado wrote:
Would it be OK if I used your labeling method? M/T/W/T/F TOONS, I only have time to do them usually every other day.
Thanks, Mike
Prior to Dec 4 when ever my Toons which I always called "A Few TOONs" would get mentioned on the home front page under "Featured Stories" an image was with them. And I could be wrong but my memory tells me that the Dec. 4th posting which I called "Monday TOONs" had an image with the header but not afterwards.
My O/T post in the MIRT forum when I asked about it was Dec 5th, and my memory tells me the image had been missing from the header for several days, wish my memory was better. Let's just say everything was normal in Nov. but not Dec.
I truly believe having a good comic/humor section keeps DU ahead of other Democratic forums. It's what attracted me to Daily KOS years ago which led me here.

ON EDIT, yes still no image with the header.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)You said " images which are attached to items in the Featured Stories section should show up normally."
Most "Featured Stories" only have one image but with daily Toons there's multiple ones to pick from.
From what I've seen in the past whoever posts what's on the home page picks out one Toon they
believe will get attention more than others because it's usually not the top/first one. Maybe it's
their favorite one?
Would not deciding which image to attach to the header solve the not showing up problem? The
DU 4 program would just grab the first one? I'm not a programmer, it was just an idea.
(22,762 posts)When I look at the home page on my computer, I can see "Thursday Toons" and then immediately below that I see a single toon image. That's as it should be.
The problem is that there is a specific piece of code in the page at that point which fixes a layout issue. However that piece of code *might* on *some browsers* prevent the image from appearing. Everything else will appear normal but you just won't see an image if it's the first thing posted in an item in the Featured Stories section. This issue is only going to affect a minority of browsers but unfortunately it looks like yours is one of them.
However, I've just tried a workaround to my workaround... can you let me know if the image is appearing now, if you look at the home page?
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)The image that's showing is not the first one. I'll check with BumRushDaShow since she
couldn't see it either, if she does I'll not add anything here, only if she doesn't.
Thanks a million Earl!
(22,762 posts)
(35,291 posts)KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)Comes and goes in the same day?
(35,291 posts)Yes, it comes and goes on the same day.