History of Feminism
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You try with the best of intentions.
You get shat on over and over.
You get misrepresented.
You get insulted and verbally abused.
And finally you just get literally fucking tired.

(55,655 posts)to get it off your chest. I was told my claim that people defend misogyny here is "delusional." People love to ignore what's in front of their noses.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)You do have a lot of support it just gets drowned out.
Same with mine.
I gotta say they don't have any new material. I could probably write a book outlining all the arguments why misogyny doesn't exist and how words aren't misogynistic. I wouldn't even need to refer back for content I've heard it all so many times.
(55,655 posts)but say I respect your views and choices anyway. That is great to see.
I haven't had the courage to slog through most of your thread. I've read a few responses and glanced at it. I may tackle it later.
(38,540 posts)
We need you.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)I'm just feeling exhausted at the moment. It is all so monotonous.
(38,540 posts)[URL=.html][IMG]
boston bean
(36,720 posts)
(14,177 posts)Because contrary to popular belief people who fight against getting shat on are actually healthier than people who are passive.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)
(32,884 posts)Too many angry people.
But irl - first Beyonce, then Taylor Swift and now Ariana Grande have come out.
The "f" word has turned a corner and energy is back in the movement. Who will come out next?
But yes. I saw that today and was pleased. I do believe you are correct.
(32,884 posts)I can not remember the last time a world famous star proclaimed herself a feminist. In fact, I can not think of a precedence and it has been over three decades since most girls/women (except those of us of a certain age) would entertain, much less own, the word.
These young women are 33, 25 and 21 and their fan base is most of the world and with social media being what is it there is no stopping the conversation.
Now... Beyonce has already attended a Hillary event so someone needs to contact Taylor and Ariana and invite them to dinner with Hil and Chelsea and secure their endorsement.
I think the fear of equality is what is driving so much of the anger in certain quarters and they must be shaking in their boots to see those hated Women's Libbers coming back into full focus right in front of their eyes. They can trash you (me/HOF) but they can't stop them.
aoan - I see that sea has given your post a Rec. I don't know what her due date is but I have noticed that she is reading everything. Hi sea
boston bean
(36,720 posts)And yes, hello sea. Can't wait for you to get out of jail. I wish we had an appeals court. One that I could appoint. LOL
(34,502 posts)have got her again. Me too, "Hi Sea!"
Response to boston bean (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
boston bean
(36,720 posts)12. No.
I am a White Man. You can not defeat us, and we won't ever change our ways. Ever. No matter how many threads you make about White Privilege, Male Privilege, or the word "cunt", we are not interested, and we won't tolerate your insolence. You have no power, no authority, you have nothing to bargain with, and you have nothing to enforce your demands. We do not have to do anything you say. You are wasting your time fighting a losing battle, whereas we can fight forever, because that is what we were born to do. When it comes to defending our birthright, we never get tired and we never get bored. We will be here to destroy and pick apart your feminist nonsense for as long as we draw breath.
If you ever want anything to change, you need to adjust your tone. You can start by being more feminine and showing more respect towards your betters. If you start threads insulting and verbally abusing white males, expect to be insulted and verbally abused in return. Demands will only be ignored. Acting like a man only means we will start treating you like a man - and believe me you don't want that.
Just in case there is any doubt that misogynist mindsets exist out there. And they really don't like one to point it out.
(55,655 posts)I feel quite certain he is the one who is fighting a losing battle.
Response to BainsBane (Reply #14)
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(32,884 posts)Did MIRT get him or one of the admin?
boston bean
(36,720 posts)This person knew a lot of history. Know what I mean?
(60,987 posts)
totally deranged, sick individual. pathetic.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Creep creep creep
Response to boston bean (Reply #13)
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Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)They were active this week too, trolling a convention that addressed misogyny in gaming culture.
I think they are getting worse because they know they are losing.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Prove it. You got links? That isn't what that means. You weakling. Men have some troubles too. You're imagining thing. You want to censor and word police and just have a word war. Why aren't you worriesld about Mexico and Boko haram. You're just perpetually outraged.
Shall I go on?
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Yeah, I especially loved the one about not being as bad off as a third-world woman. Oh, ok! Boy, I could dig deep on the hypocrisy of that, but I don't want to get a hide.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)About women. You care only about words.
That's another one.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Would they be defending running around any other private place of business calling people slurs? This isn't the town square.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)What do you think that tells us?
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Their prejudiced point of view has been privileged--now that someone has been punished for it, they don't like the feeling one bit.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)I don't think it a good idea to hide what goes on. But it bothers someone(s):
11:27 PM
Automated Message
AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Results of your Jury Service
Mail Message
On Mon Jun 8, 2015, 11:20 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
In case anyone is interested in what name removed had to say.
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
This is just awful, was removed from DU for a reason, and the troll who posted it was immediately banned
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Mon Jun 8, 2015, 11:27 PM, and the Jury voted 3-4 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Troll
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No long time thought over this absolutely needs removed
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: bb makes a good point with this post.
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Post was removed. What is the big deal here?
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: While leaving because BB clearly doesn't endorse this filth, I question the judgement of giving some trolls giant pile of shit more "smell time".
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
(37,748 posts)I'm guessing the alerter is worried about the negative branding for his philosophy's image...
(14,177 posts)That is one hateful dude. Does name removed mean they got a pizza?
boston bean
(36,720 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)37. It's not a misogynistic word, you ignorant cunt
If I call you a cunt, it's a slur against YOU, a single, individual cunt of a woman, not women in general.
What is so hard to understand about that?
And if any woman deserves to be called a cunt, it's Billary. She's horrific.
(32,884 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)to find out what that word actually means. as an antonio banderas character says in one movie, "the word does not mean what you think it means"
(42,607 posts)Gave it to one of my daughters--never did get another one
(122,596 posts)F4lconF16
(3,747 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)Skittles
(162,406 posts)I bet mommy still pays his bills
boston bean
(36,720 posts)That's my reason for posting. To help those with denial out some.
(162,406 posts)any women knows just from daily incidents
boston bean
(36,720 posts)I am extremely sorry to report. I don't have any answers.
(14,177 posts)Some of the things I have seen there are mind blowing. In some ways the slurs against women are worse in that if someone uses a slur against a woman it's no big deal. Women are too sensitive and thin skinned they are told in many cases. This thing with Skip has really has shown how acceptable it is to use vulgar slurs against women. I might differ with you on how I think that should be handled, but I agree with you on how serious it is. We wouldn't sit back and let someone talk like that to a POC or any other ethnic minority, a child, a disabled person, or someone who had a mental illness. So, why should we just let it roll off our backs when someone says something like that to a woman or about a woman? I think we should not. Anyway, my point is I do understand that the women of DU aren't making things up, I have seen it in GD and other places, I have seen it when I visit the feminists forums and AA like I mentioned before.
BTW, I don't really want Skip back. He supports Bernie like I do. But, like I always say with friends like that who needs enemies.
(8,182 posts)join in attacking women who do think it is a big deal. They only have to point to these women to "make their case". No idea why anyone would think all women think alike, do all men think alike?
(22,439 posts)Response to Skittles (Reply #26)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(122,596 posts)that name removed is really running scared, is he not? respect toward our BETTERS? good thing I was nor drinking anything.
Response to niyad (Reply #49)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(27,612 posts)Chapter 1, How to Troll Feminists. Needs more "hysterical" and "outraged" and "fee-fees" -- try harder, White Man.
(22,336 posts)or there are a bunch who write in a similar way.
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)I suspect it's that Vashta Naruda guy (can't remember his actual screen name) who was banned for his misogynist bullshit a while back. Sounds like something he'd come up with. Typing with only one hand on the keyboard while doing so, of course.
(122,596 posts)very poor latin for "don't let the bastards grind you down"
yes, we get tired, and discouraged, and insulted. all with the hope that we will just get sick of the whole mess, shut up, and go away.
soooooo not happening.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)beautiful, just relax. I know how hard it can be to recharge, when you feel so completely drained. wish I could help.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)The stubbornly foolish will remain so, but they are not representative.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)each time I give it a try.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)I just read Bane's post in GD, and oh the reactionary bullshit doth spew forth from "I don't know what you mean" to classic derailment. Meh. Bane is one of the most articulate posters around and very easy to understand.
Meantime in real life, I've had recent conversations with 3 males--one being my Libertarian brother-- and two females who, independent of me, used the term "rape culture" correctly in a sentence.
My very Catholic daughter clings to as much feminism as she can, and has simply decided her job is to be as good a person as possible and not judge people for their life decisions, and certainly not their gender identification or sexual orientation, because in her words, it's none of her business.
Feminism is burgeoning all over the place. Those who don't know misogyny are destined to repeat it and defend it only these days, they're the fucking dinosaurs right before the comet.
(34,502 posts)and a right to be taken seriously.
It gets tiresome. Heck, just watching what goes on here is enough to make me tired and I leave.
The season is young, take a break if you need. I feel for those of you brave enough to speak out and take the heat. I respect you.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)I often do take breaks where I post nothing or very little...
Sometimes I post a lot in one thread and nothing else...
This topic however can drain one quickly. I will recharge the batteries!
(37,748 posts)I often take a break not simply from DU, but from the words of news and popular culture as absolutely as I'm able to do. Too often, I allow myself to get far too frustrated at the simpletons and dullards who pretend to be ignorant of spoonerisms and popular colloquialisms (no one on DU is *that* under-educated or sub-literate), or so-called adults righteously justifying a "hawt celebs thread", eventually becoming the golden calf of their irrational little cabal.
So, I just tune out for two, three, sometimes four days-- DU, news (print, broadcast, etc). I did so this past weekend, and spent a glorious weekend in silent beauty and ignorant bliss.
Afterwards, it's still worth it. I promise.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Phentex
(16,600 posts)I think you make a difference. I really do.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Thank you!
(9,904 posts)Widen its grasp, others depends on us,
boston bean
(36,720 posts)AuntPatsy
(9,904 posts)JTFrog
(14,274 posts)I see my favorite author who loves to use the p-word as an insult ( because p**** is the epitome of weakness and cowardice
) is front page on DU again.
Amazing how so many folks here can claim to be in the fight against the war on women and yet, this is the standard we get.
(2,555 posts)Ignore the emotional vampires - dementors even. Nothing you can ever say or do can ever make them happy.
Your opinions are important. I have learnt much from the ladies of HoF, and I very much miss it when there is little in HoF, as has often been the case recently.
Please keep posting. You make a difference.