History of Feminism
Related: About this forumDrug to boost women’s sex drive struggles for government approval as debate rages over need
Now, the makers of a drug that purports to boost a womans libido by targeting her brain are launching their third attempt to win American government approval, amid a debate over whether there has been a gender bias in the high-stakes field of sexual pharmacology or a manufactured cure for a medical disease that may not exist.
Next week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will hold a public hearing to review new safety data for flibanserin, a once-a day drug Sprout Pharmaceuticals says restores sexual desire in women by fixing an imbalance of brain chemicals that drive sexual excitement and inhibition.
Twice the FDA has rebuffed flibanserin, dubbed pink Viagra, over safety and efficacy concerns, leading to charges that the agency is sexist for approving sexual medicines for men, but not for women. Other womens groups are furious for what they see as a hijacking of feminist rhetoric by drug-company orchestrated campaigns designed to put political pressure on regulators to approve a pill for a hypoactive sex drive.

(6,445 posts)And I've interacted with my fair share of women that have been in counseling over it in trying to understand why they lack any desire, especially when they're very much in love with their partners, etc.
It's one of those areas that gets understudied unfortunately, since it's not about the man. Or you get that male mindset of "she just needs to find the right guy to light a fire in her" mentality.
After watching the Showtime series Masters of Sex, there's definitely a lot of interesting cultural takeaways to make, but also a lot of science that's simply not been researched enough.
(42,607 posts)No one was interested, apparently. Women have been labeled "fridged" as a comment on character, not a medical or psychological issue for decades. That or sluts if they enjoy a lot of sex with various partners.
It's a lose-lose situation for the average women, a culturally embarrassing one. I hope to see more scientific support in the arena of women's sexuality in the near future.
(6,445 posts)Masters of Sex was illuminating in a sense as it dealt with the 50's cultural issues surrounding sexuality, and as you watch it (I did with my eldest daughter and my significant other), and we were all talking about how a lot of it is still very prevalent unfortunately. It's gotten better, but a long, long way to go.
(45,358 posts)Not every solution has to come in a pill.
Be smart.
(42,607 posts)But that's ok.
(45,358 posts)Blue_Adept
(6,445 posts)Which is what part of the point was. Good health doesn't equal good libido. There are a lot of people with serious chemical imbalances that cannot be corrected by such things. I live with one, so it's very present in my life.
(110,159 posts)drug. and sometimes a psychologist
(110,159 posts)i do not trust.
mans ego cannot handle, womans sexuality.