History of Feminism
Related: About this forumsimple enough.
not all of us want to live in the entertainment of sexism, racism and homophobia.
i mean. i really do not feel like that is a way out there statement. lots of us do not like the shit. we do not want to see, wade thru the trash of it, the smelll of it. we arent entertained.
so, with the video game issue. and another stupid ass study stating it does not make a misogynist, racist.
cool position to take. change the damn conversation and argue it.
ya. brilliant.
then bring it to du and proclaim, right..... !!!!!
i listen to the argument. the reality is. as you tell me... simply fantasy and fun. and why not?
ya, ok..... get entertained by your rapes, murders, .... your strippin' and selling.
entertain yourself with "jokes" jabs.... at women for a chuckle. your entertainment. gotcha. i hear ya. a hoot, to you. and your right. damn straight.
not all of us want to live in the hate and the ugly. the insult, the demeaning, the humiliating, for a good laugh.
surely. that is not an extreme position.
no one in my family wants to live in the nasty hate for a laugh. we just are not that people. we like to feel good. watching people humiliated, denigrated, shamed, abused, raped and killed, doesnt do it for us.
are we really that far out there? i dunno. surely there are others like me.

(110,159 posts)lets take a lookie.
since women have been speaking out, the last couple years
since the men have reacted in such disgusting, adolescent tantrum.... the grown ups have taken a position.
and a lot of those grown ups are our 18, 19, 20 yr old gamer, both genders. the corps are listening.
and we are seeing it in the art we are given, to play.
the industry is stepping up.
and that is the huge ass DUH, progressive style, of why we speak out.
to fuggin educate.
(359 posts)If you like games with unicorns and rainbows, then buy games with unicorns and rainbows. Once developers see those games flying off the shelf, they will make more and more.
(14,274 posts)NOT.
(42,607 posts)"Don't buy the game then?" Not the problem.
(110,159 posts)we want to play that is not all unicorn and whatever garbage you put out to insult me.
it has been a large conversation in the industry. we have made great strides and corps are making their $
(359 posts)So if I understand you.....you are buying the games you like, and not buying the games you don't like. The corporations are responding by producing more of the games you like. Sounds like a win/win.
(42,607 posts)It's all clear now
(359 posts)If an organization...say the government of Indiana, does some thing you doing like....such as passing an anti-gay law. You let them know you have a pile of money that you will NOT be spending in that state because of their actions. Lo and behold! Indiana changes their minds about the anti-gay law.
THAT is the power of the free market. The power to reward or punish an organization using your wallet. You can have all the discussions you want or hold candle light vigils, they don't give a flip. But threaten their $$$$, and they will sit up and start caring. Or do you think the Government of Indiana just changed their minds out of the goodness of their heart?
(110,159 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)You appear to be under the inaccurate impression that cultural mores are dictated by the market when it's the reverse that's true.
(39,210 posts)The public sphere has become a place where anything goes.
An outstanding post.
(42,607 posts)The study itself was bullshit. Once I read it, I was wondering why post it in the first place? It adds nothing useful to the conversation
In other news, one of my FB friends found a "community" with provocative poses of two little girls. (A number of us are reporting) Bring that shit up here and I'd expect to hear "they have their clothes on--you're the one with a dirty mind" --same rationalization
(42,607 posts)You are popular Sea!
(110,159 posts)
(42,607 posts)Has to do with HOF stalkers
(110,159 posts)that jumped in.
we have gotten to the point of ridiculous, hence my OP
(42,607 posts)I stay out of it, mostly. Let the little boys room play.
(110,159 posts)i remember the last.
a whine about teachers picking on boys. cause girls got rewarded for gimmegrades. we find out, cause the girls
paid attention in class
were not disruptive
listened to the teacher
did the homework
studied more hours
performed on the test
oh my god.... how unfair the girls were rewarded with better grades.
a huge ass roling of the eyes.
(42,607 posts)I was laughing so hard. Post a study without reading it because of the abstract. Jesus
(122,596 posts)a joke. but hatred, racism, misogyny, violence--these are NOT jokes. and I will respond accordingly.
(110,159 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)and a certain point, what would people expect?
(122,596 posts)programs that actually have intelligent writing, characters, etc. novel concept, yes?