History of Feminism
Related: About this forumWhy Women Bosses Are Best for the Bottom Line
http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2015/04/10/Why-Women-Bosses-Are-Best-Bottom-LineThe survey, State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders, finds that 41 percent of female managers are engaged in their day-to-day work, compared to just 35 percent of men (and 30 percent of all employees). Those who work for a female boss are six percentage points more engaged than those with a male boss.
Female workers with a female boss have the highest engagement score (35 percent) while male employees working for male managers have the lowest (25 percent). Employees who report to a female manager have higher scores than those with male managers on 11 out of 12 engagement categories, including communicating expectations and encouraging development.
Managers make a major difference in the workplace: Half of all workers have left a job to get away from a supervisor.

(3,747 posts)I wonder if in an equal society this would still be the case. Perhaps, but I have a feeling that the numbers would be more similar. At the moment, though, I can see why these results would be this way. Wish I could get the full report without having to give them my info. Too lazy to create a burner account atm. You wouldn't happen to have the download link, would you?
(51,907 posts)Maybe you have to subscribe to something, but I got it straight from the Association for Women in Science.
(3,747 posts)Unfortunately to see the gallup poll, I have to sign up for things, which I'd rather not do. Still an interesting article from the fiscal times, thanks.
(45,251 posts)on currency. The coincidence struck me.
(9,126 posts)Female supervisors tend to work their tails off, while their male counterparts sometimes see their jobs as gracing employees with their presence, "supervisoring," golf/gym, and lunch. That's usually how it plays out in my industry.
(751 posts)to get away from a sociopath female equal in rank to myself, but also the inept male superiors. Overall I like working for women more because, in my opinion, they view work as cooperation, whereas men view it as competition.
(13,792 posts)Carly Fiorina beign engaged may not be for the best. I am certain that many women mamagers could do better than males, but the last thign we want to do is cover up the fact that regrardless of gender, a creep is still a creep.