History of Feminism
Related: About this forumusing sexism as a tool. still makes you sexist.
i am seeing people chuckle at the accusation that they are being sexist, when it comes to hillary, cause they support warren after all. so really, how sexist are they?
well, what is being done, is sexism is merely being used as a tool. people that do not like clinton resort to sexism. they easily recognize what sexism is, and they use it on some women, not on others. not on those they support. just like the rw sexist. still a sexist, except with his daughter, wife, mother. but, he uses sexism as a tool to dismiss, degrade, humiliate, discount a woman.
one cannot argue that because they support warren, that proves they are not sexist. if they are using sexism as a tool against clinton, they will then call it out when it is used on warren. they are still sexist.

(42,607 posts)Fucking pure dumbass
(110,159 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)that is the story, in my real life, lol.
my son and i giggle....
as i am allowing him to cut school again, a supposed pink eye, and we discuss this election and what is happening. and he is spot on with history and development today. an outstanding discussion.
that thinking.
i ^L^O^V^E
(53,661 posts)^J^U^S^T ^C^A^N^T ^S^T^O^P
(110,159 posts)NYC_SKP
(68,644 posts)...body size, and levels of education.
There was some OP about Tweets yesterday mocking imaginary twitter users.
One even used a "cute" form of the work that we've rejected for any purpose, they wrote "Republit*rd".
It's never OK, none of it, and it stings when I see it from our side.
(110,159 posts)when done to democratic women.
(22,871 posts)both Palin and Condoleezza Rice with the excuse being that it was OK because they were right wingers.I remember being accused of sympathizing with their politics when I pointed out the sexism.
Thanks for the welcome back,Sea.
(3,747 posts)See also hate-filled remarks about Chris Christie's weight, anti-trans remarks when referring to Ann Coulter, anti-gay remarks referring to various legislators, etc.
This is not nearly as progressive of a board as many would like to believe it is, and I think that is particularly clear when it comes to gender and sexuality issues.
(3,747 posts)There is a lot of sexism flying around at the moment, and even some blatantly right-wing attacks on women that are found here. There was one earlier that was thankfully hidden, but too often they are not. Sexism is a tool, like you say. It is often a genuine feeling, but first and foremost, it is a tool to subjugate women, to remind them of their place, and their status in a man's world. Unfortunately, I think many legitimate criticisms are going to be (justifiably) ignored because of the sexism contained in their arguments. And yes, supporting Warren does not make you not sexist. I can think of at least a few choice examples.
I am not in much of a mood to read the crap that is going to be posted in the next year. I think I will be withdrawing from GD for the most part. I can't stand sexism, I can't stand right-wingery, and I can't stand Clinton, so I don't think I will be interested in much. Sadly the PRG appears to be turning more and more into less of a place for legitimate uninterrupted discussion, and more of a complaint station. Ah well, thank goodness for the new Cannabis Group, eh?
(110,159 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)i think, we as a whole, has a much better handle on this than we did when she ran in 2008. i think i am going to look at this as a learning experience. for all women, and hte men that support women, walking into these elections. that extends elsewhere, so this is a good start. it extends to the ceo, classrooms, all over....
so. if hillary makes it thru the primary, i will probably spending my time, learning, watching, voicing, defining the message.
i am not gonna let this discourage me. let me work on a successful womans voice and not the silenced, quieted, victims, for a while.....
this is a very positive good thing. and it is not one i will allow the misogynists to spoil for me. as a matter of fact, every time i hear that whine, it will empower me with the right of what is being accomplished. this is
^T^O^O ^C^O^O^L
i am going ot enjoy it. not be tired, resigned, or ^H^O^P^Eless
(110,159 posts)^L^I^F^E is ^F^U^N
(3,747 posts)And yeah, you're right--much as it drives me nuts at times, this place has too many good people not to stick around.
As far as Clinton, I cannot support her, but I think you make a good point. She is the first woman with a very strong chance of becoming president, and it will be a learning experience as you say. Watching the right will not be surprising, I think, but watching the left will be more so. I wonder how much the mask of equality will slip.
And damn straight, Seabeyond. Don't let them get you down--agree with Clinton or not, it is a very cool thing to have a woman not just out there, but leading the pack. I can't say I hope she makes it, but I hope she gives the sexists in our party and others the middle finger the whole time.
^F^I^R^S^T ^T^I^M^E using this...it is very cool
(53,661 posts)The biggest failure BHO made to some was that he didn't live up to their stereotype of what a black POTUS would do or say or be.
How dare he not do what they demanded, he got out of the cage they had for him!
The same will go for HRC, heck, it already is. With a vociferous chorus of the same voices, too. Yeah, I noticed that.
(110,159 posts)me, too. and yesterday i was directed to what i assume a new group. where i am hearing a handful say they were banned. i checked it out. you know those names you recognize? my gosh... everything fell into place.
(53,661 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)i see so much more clearly, now that i am understanding the dynamics. i think we learned a lot over the years.
(53,661 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Yup.
If a person opposes sexist, racist, and homophobic attacks on only those people they already like, then that person does not really oppose sexism, racism, or homophobia.
(110,159 posts)like
it really pisses me off, .... really. pisses me off, when i have to defend the palins and se cupps.