History of Feminism
Related: About this forumThe terrifying 1970s manual that shaped the pickup-artist movement
That initially contained the line (changed in later editions), "For an instant, you even consider rape."
Disturbing male entitlement follows.
The 1970 manual How to Pick Up Girls! opens by asking the reader to imagine what at first seems like a romantic scene. Youre walking down the street. Minding your own business.
And suddenly you spot a girl, it reads. Not just an ordinary girl. Not just a fantastic girl. But the girl. Its a bit of a generic setup, but, OK, Im following. Youve just got to see more of her long lean legs, writes author Eric Weber. Her fine rounded breasts. Her high, firm behind. For an instant you even consider rape.
Whoa. As Redditor putontheglasses, who featured this passage in a post this week that subsequently went viral, said, Well, that escalated quickly. Later editions of the book, which was a runaway success in 1970, by the way, replaced that disturbing line with the marginally less terrifying, For an instant you even consider grabbing her right there in the street. So, like, rape but not rape.
Four decades have passed since that original line was written, and in that time there has been a lot of desperately needed awareness-raising about sexual assault. So, it isnt particularly remarkable that a dated book espouses such disturbing attitudes. Heres what is fascinating about that rape-normalizing passage: The book is the progenitor of what we know today as the pickup artist community. It not only helped mainstream the term pick up, but its also referred to as a biblical text among some of todays leading pickup artists or PUAs.
Male entitlement to womens bodies is a running theme throughout the book. As a man, its your right, your privilege to approach a woman any time you want, it reads. At one point it suggests, Next time you move in on a girl, think to yourself, Im doing her a favor. You see, this entitlement is justified by the notion that women are perpetually asking for it: Why do you think they wear skintight jeans and low cut, slinky blouses? Why do you think so many of them have completely stopped wearing bras and panties? Just to look pretty? Dont be crazy. Theyre showing you their breasts and behinds to stimulate you. To make you want to go to bed with them. Because every girl knows if her body is packaged well, youll try to pick her up.

(39,210 posts)

So the jerk behaved exactly how we fear they will behave if we say don't say hi to them or if we do. We truly are damned if we do & damned if we don't.
(110,159 posts)just yesterday in that pick up video from a regular du.
suppose to take the comment from a strange man, unasked, for, unwanted, with a polite fuckin .... thank you
fuck that shit. rating women for his entertainment and women are suppose to THANK him
or else.
(13,986 posts)I never looked into that book, but have spent years on the bandstand watching losers try to "pick up chicks". I always thought (and still think) that PUAs are pathetic, loathsome little lizard-brains. Never realized how destructive that culture is. Too busy laughing at it.
Again, thanks for showing us all what lies behind.
(12,151 posts)MadrasT
(7,237 posts)I can guaran-goddamn-tee that when I run around without bra there is ZERO intention of attracting men in my mind or subconscious so fuck anybody who wants to lay down that subconscious bullshit apologia.
My clothing choices are about me, not about asshole voyeurs with entitlement complexes.
I *choose* who I wish to interact with, I am not a motherfucking trick pony or trained dog that responds to commands.
Jesus H Christ on a trailer hitch the stupid burns.
(72,300 posts)redqueen
(115,177 posts)They are pornsick assholes who think of the women they target as sex objects.
I'm so fucking sick of hearing the poor, shy, lonely, nice men who just need to learn to talk to women! bullshit. Women are people. Anyone who doesn't know how to talk to women needs to stop trying to talk to them until they manage to grasp that simple fucking fact.
(340 posts)One of the common follies of shy young men is to think of "romantic interaction" as completely separate from "friendly interaction". They end up concentrating so much on the phantom "talking with women" that they neglect to develop the "talking with people" skills that might actually help them. And when they actually do manage to improve their general social skills, it doesn't carry over because they've convinced themselves that women are a different species requiring a different method of approach.
Having faced social struggles myself, I do empathize with them to some extent, but that just makes it more frustrating and cringe-inducing to watch.
(42,607 posts)Ick.
Response to gollygee (Original post)
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(22,336 posts)Response to gollygee (Reply #10)
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(26,117 posts)redqueen
(115,177 posts)
(110,159 posts)sit in hof and they come to you
to fuggin funny
(42,607 posts)Seriously need another hobby