History of Feminism
Related: About this forumRape isn't wrong because it's illegal...
...rape is illegal because it's just wrong.

(6,323 posts)Rape is wrong because, Rape is WRONG, period end of story. Who cares if it's illegal or not?
(62,598 posts)Rapists need to be behind bars.
(6,323 posts)
(18,631 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,631 posts)The Latin phrase "Aequitas Equitas" covers a great deal of ground. As someone has highlighted, society creates and enforces laws to see to these ideals. Laws should not be created or imposed by capricious decisions but with consensus and deliberation.
Rape hurts people, physically, emotionally and psychologically. Rapists are violent people who hurt other and, upon conviction, they belong in prison, not for 2 years or for 20, but for good. Society is certainly responsible for protecting individuals. Standards (laws) are created for this purpose.
We all have a responsibility to improve the law.
(6,323 posts)That's an obvious statement and shouldn't even have to be uttered. But I here ya, people need specifics.
What I meant was it is just plain wrong, when it's done, when it's being done, where ever on any continent on this earth, it is just plain wrong. And I'm not a religious man. I can't even imagine the mentality of any country with a set of laws, making it "legal".
And I speak of abuse too.
"hell, hell is for children."
We need to, as a society, promote love and well being with one another, but in this never ending theater of war, and the upcoming scarcity of resources like food, I fear things are just going to get worse. That's why I tend to cut right to the heart of the matter. No more dancing around the issues the hurt us all. There is no time for that.
(18,631 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 9, 2014, 07:07 PM - Edit history (1)
Government shouldn't be left to politicians.
(5,764 posts)But, no, generally you draw distinctions between wrong things and illegal things. A thing can be one, both, or neither. But you don't declare something one because it's the other. In either direction. Not unless you're doing it wrong.
Or in short, you shouldn't legislate morality, and laws aren't morals. there are plenty of wrong things you don't make illegal, and plenty of illegal things it's pretty hard to argue are wrong.
Rape is wrong because it is in violation of basic ethical and moral principles pretty much everyone agrees on.
Rape is illegal because society has a vested interest in seeing to the safety and well being of it's citizenry and deterring or locking up those who prey on it's members.
(18,631 posts)Who can adequately describe any inspirations? Many things suggested my comment.
I disagree with your reasons for rape being wrong. IMHO rape is wrong because an unjust aggressor hurts another either physically, emotionally, psychologically or some combination of those.
Laws aren't morals however the same foundations that determine some things being wrong, also lead to them being illegal. Smoking pot is illegal but I can't say it's wrong and IMO it shouldn't be illegal. There's no way same sex marriage or plural marriage should be illegal.
Just my take. YMMV
(5,764 posts)I disagree with your reasons for rape being wrong. IMHO rape is wrong because an unjust aggressor hurts another either physically, emotionally, psychologically or some combination of those.
I'm a little stumped. What did you think "basic ethical and moral principles pretty much everyone agrees on" was talking about, if not exactly what you just said?
(18,631 posts)
(72,300 posts)